
The word “false” has 1 syllable: false.

It's pronounced as /fɔls/.

What is synonym and antonym for false?

In the thesaurus, “false” has 47 synonyms and 52 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for false along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for false

  • affected
  • artificial
  • bogus
  • contrived
  • counterfeit
  • deceitful
  • deceptive
  • dishonest
  • distorted
  • dummy
  • erroneous
  • exaggerated
  • fabricated
  • fake
  • fanciful
  • faulty
  • faux
  • fictitious
  • forged
  • fraudulent
  • hollow
  • imitation
  • improper
  • inaccurate
  • incorrect
  • invalid
  • malicious
  • mechanical
  • misleading
  • mistaken
  • mock
  • phony
  • pseudo
  • simulated
  • specious
  • spurious
  • strained
  • synthetic
  • traitorous
  • treacherous
  • unfounded
  • unnatural
  • unreal
  • unreliable
  • untrue
  • untruthful
  • wrong

Antonyms for false

  • aboveboard
  • accurate
  • artless
  • authentic
  • bona fide
  • candid
  • constant
  • correct
  • devout
  • direct
  • exact
  • explanatory
  • factual
  • fair
  • faithful
  • fast
  • forthright
  • frank
  • genuine
  • honest
  • illuminating
  • legitimate
  • loyal
  • moral
  • natural
  • nondeceptive
  • open
  • outspoken
  • plain
  • precise
  • proper
  • proven
  • real
  • realistic
  • reliable
  • responsible
  • right
  • sincere
  • solid
  • sound
  • spontaneous
  • staunch
  • steadfast
  • steady
  • straight
  • straightforward
  • true
  • trustworthy
  • truthful
  • unaffected
  • upright
  • valid

Meanings of false

  • noun
    1. One of two options on a true-or-false test.
  • adjective
    1. Untrue, not factual, factually incorrect.
    2. Based on factually incorrect premises.
    3. Spurious, artificial.
    4. Of a state in Boolean logic that indicates a negative result.
    5. Uttering falsehood; dishonest or deceitful.
    6. Not faithful or loyal, as to obligations, allegiance, vows, etc.; untrue; treacherous.
    7. Not well founded; not firm or trustworthy; erroneous.
    8. Not essential or permanent, as parts of a structure which are temporary or supplemental.
    9. Used in the vernacular name of a species (or group of species) together with the name of another species to which it is similar in appearance.
    10. Out of tune.
  • adverb
    1. In a dishonest and disloyal way; falsely.

Example Sentences

  • False rumors spread quickly on social media, causing unnecessary panic.
  • She was accused of giving a false alibi to protect her friend.
  • The defendant vehemently denied the false accusations leveled against him.
  • The website warned users about clicking on false advertisements disguised as legitimate links.
  • Despite initial appearances, her smile hid a false sense of confidence, masking inner insecurities.

On this page you'll find 99 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to false, such as: aboveboard, accurate, affected, artificial, artless, authentic, bogus.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • archly
  • artfully
  • cannily
  • circumspectly
  • consciously
  • craftily
  • cunningly
  • deceitfully
  • deceptively
  • deliberately
  • designedly
  • falsely
  • furtively
  • insidiously
  • knowingly
  • pointedly
  • purposely
  • sharply
  • slickly
  • slily
  • slyly
  • studiously
  • underhanded
  • underhandedly
  • voluntarily
  • willfully


  • admonition
  • advice
  • announcement
  • argument
  • barrage
  • bombardment
  • broadside
  • buzz
  • cannonade
  • censure
  • chatter
  • chitchat
  • clue
  • comment
  • condemnation
  • conference
  • consultation
  • conversation
  • data
  • deliberation
  • dialogue
  • directive
  • disapproval
  • discovery
  • drumbeat
  • epiphany
  • fabrication
  • falsehood
  • flood
  • flurry
  • fusillade
  • gossip
  • hail
  • hearsay
  • hoax
  • info
  • information
  • innuendo
  • instruction
  • intelligence
  • interview
  • knowledge
  • leak
  • letter
  • lie
  • material
  • meeting
  • memo
  • memorandum
  • message
  • negotiation
  • news
  • note
  • notice
  • outburst
  • outpouring
  • punishment
  • rebuff
  • report
  • reproach
  • rumor
  • salvo
  • scandal
  • science
  • seminar
  • shower
  • slander
  • snub
  • speech
  • story
  • suggestion
  • symposium
  • tale
  • tip
  • torrent
  • visit
  • volley
  • whisper
  • word


  • admonition
  • advice
  • announcement
  • argument
  • barrages
  • bombardments
  • broadsides
  • buzz
  • cannonades
  • censure
  • chatter
  • chitchat
  • clue
  • comment
  • condemnation
  • conference
  • consultation
  • conversation
  • data
  • deliberation
  • dialogue
  • directive
  • disapproval
  • discovery
  • drumbeats
  • epiphany
  • fabrication
  • falsehood
  • floods
  • flurries
  • fusillades
  • gossip
  • hearsay
  • hoax
  • info
  • information
  • innuendo
  • instruction
  • intelligence
  • interview
  • knowledge
  • leak
  • letter
  • lie
  • material
  • meeting
  • memo
  • memorandum
  • message
  • negotiation
  • news
  • note
  • notice
  • outbursts
  • outpourings
  • punishment
  • rashes
  • rebuff
  • report
  • reproach
  • rumor
  • salvoes
  • salvos
  • scandal
  • science
  • seminar
  • showers
  • slander
  • snub
  • speech
  • story
  • suggestion
  • symposium
  • tale
  • tip
  • torrents
  • visit
  • volleys
  • whisper
  • word


  • abnormal
  • abstract
  • allegorical
  • apocryphal
  • assembled
  • assumed
  • baseless
  • bizarre
  • bogus
  • built
  • chimeric
  • chimerical
  • completed
  • concocted
  • constructed
  • contrived
  • counterfeit
  • created
  • deceptive
  • designed
  • devised
  • distorted
  • excessive
  • extravagant
  • fabled
  • fabulous
  • false
  • fanciful
  • fantastical
  • farfetched
  • fictional
  • fictitious
  • forged
  • fraudulent
  • gratuitous
  • groundless
  • hollow
  • hyperbolic
  • illogical
  • imaginary
  • imagined
  • incredible
  • inflated
  • invented
  • legendary
  • lied
  • made
  • made-up
  • magnified
  • make believe
  • manufactured
  • mass-produced
  • melodramatic
  • misleading
  • mock
  • mythic
  • mythical
  • odd
  • outlandish
  • outrageous
  • overblown
  • overwrought
  • perverse
  • phony
  • preposterous
  • pretentious
  • produced
  • sham
  • shaped
  • simulated
  • spurious
  • stilted
  • storied
  • strange
  • stylized
  • unjustified
  • unproven
  • unreal
  • unrealistic
  • unsubstantiated
  • untrue
  • untruthful
  • unusual
  • unwarranted
  • whimsical
  • wrong


  • deceit
  • falsehood
  • fantasy
  • fiction
  • figment
  • forgery
  • invention
  • lie
  • myth
  • novel
  • phantasy
  • story
  • tale
  • untruth

Word List