
The word “falter” has 2 syllables: fal-ter.

It's pronounced as /ˈfɔl.tər/.

What is synonym and antonym for falter?

In the thesaurus, “falter” has 8 synonyms and 2 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for falter along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for falter

  • flounder
  • hesitate
  • reel
  • shake
  • shudder
  • tremble
  • waver
  • wobble

Antonyms for falter

  • continue
  • decide

Meanings of falter

  • noun
    1. Unsteadiness.
  • verb
    1. To waver or be unsteady; to weaken or trail off.
    2. To stammer; to utter with hesitation, or in a weak and trembling manner.
    3. To fail in distinctness or regularity of exercise; said of the mind or of thought.
    4. To stumble.
    5. To lose faith or vigor; to doubt or abandon (a cause).
    6. To hesitate in purpose or action.
    7. To cleanse or sift, as barley.

Example Sentences

  • Despite the strong start, the team's performance began to falter in the second half.
  • Her confidence did not falter, even when faced with difficult questions.
  • The leader's speech was so compelling that it did not falter under scrutiny.
  • He tried to maintain his composure, but his voice began to falter during the presentation.
  • The engine started to falter as the car climbed the steep hill.

On this page you'll find 10 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to falter, such as: continue, decide, flounder, hesitate, reel, shake, shudder.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • adjust
  • assess
  • calculate
  • compensate
  • counter
  • difference
  • equalize
  • equate
  • equilibrium
  • equity
  • falter
  • hang back
  • harmonize
  • harmony
  • hesitate
  • offset
  • orchestration
  • pay
  • profit
  • proportion
  • readjust
  • remainder
  • rest
  • scale
  • stability
  • stabilize
  • surplus
  • symmetry
  • tension
  • weigh


  • adjusted
  • elegant
  • equalized
  • equated
  • equitable
  • fair
  • faltered
  • graceful
  • harmonic
  • healthy
  • hesitated
  • hung back
  • lucid
  • met
  • normal
  • paid
  • rational
  • sane
  • stable
  • staggered
  • symmetric
  • symmetrical
  • wabbled


  • adjust
  • adjusts
  • assess
  • calculate
  • correctives
  • counters
  • difference
  • equalizes
  • equates
  • equity
  • falters
  • harmonize
  • harmony
  • hesitates
  • meets
  • offset
  • offsets
  • pays
  • profit
  • readjust
  • remainders
  • rests
  • scales
  • settles
  • stability
  • stabilize
  • surplus
  • tension
  • vacillates
  • weigh


  • adjusting
  • alteration
  • amends
  • analogy
  • analysis
  • arrangement
  • atonement
  • check
  • compensating
  • connection
  • contrast
  • correlation
  • equalizing
  • equating
  • examination
  • example
  • faltering
  • hesitating
  • identification
  • improvement
  • indemnity
  • investigation
  • juxtaposition
  • levelling
  • meeting
  • modification
  • observation
  • paying
  • ratio
  • readjustment
  • rectification
  • regulation
  • relation
  • remedy
  • reparation
  • reprisal
  • resemblance
  • restitution
  • retribution
  • review
  • scrutiny
  • settling
  • similarity
  • standing
  • survey
  • testing
  • verification


  • become
  • cascade
  • collapse
  • crash
  • declination
  • decline
  • decrease
  • degradation
  • demise
  • dent
  • depreciate
  • descend
  • descent
  • deterioration
  • die
  • diminish
  • dip
  • disaster
  • dive
  • down
  • downfall
  • downhill
  • drop
  • dwindle
  • ease
  • failure
  • falter
  • give up
  • go down
  • hanging
  • land
  • lose
  • loss
  • occur
  • perish
  • plummet
  • plunge
  • recession
  • reduction
  • setback
  • settle
  • sink
  • slide
  • slip
  • slope
  • slump
  • spill
  • stumble
  • subside
  • succumb
  • surrender
  • take place
  • throw
  • topple
  • trespass
  • trip
  • tumble
  • vanish
  • wander
  • waterfall

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