
The word “faltering” has 3 syllables: fal-ter-ing.

It's pronounced as /ˈfɔl.tər.ɪŋ/.

What is synonym and antonym for faltering?

In the thesaurus, “faltering” has 122 synonyms and 82 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for faltering along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for faltering

  • afraid
  • ailing
  • ambiguity
  • anemic
  • apprehension
  • averse
  • awkward
  • capricious
  • cautious
  • clumsy
  • confusion
  • decrepit
  • delicate
  • difficulty
  • dim
  • disbelief
  • disjointed
  • distant
  • distrust
  • doubt
  • doubtful
  • dubious
  • dull
  • equivocation
  • erratic
  • far-off
  • fear
  • feeble
  • flimsy
  • frail
  • gentle
  • halting
  • hazy
  • hesitance
  • hesitancy
  • hesitant
  • hesitating
  • hesitation
  • ill
  • inaudible
  • incoherent
  • incomprehensible
  • incongruous
  • indecision
  • indecisive
  • ineffective
  • insecure
  • intermittent
  • irrational
  • irresolute
  • jerky
  • jittery
  • jumbled
  • labored
  • loath
  • mild
  • misgiving
  • mistrust
  • moot
  • muddled
  • muffled
  • muted
  • nervous
  • pause
  • pending
  • precarious
  • problem
  • procrastination
  • puzzled
  • puzzling
  • qualm
  • questioning
  • rambling
  • reluctance
  • reluctant
  • remote
  • rickety
  • rocking
  • rocky
  • shaking
  • shuddering
  • shy
  • skeptical
  • skepticism
  • slight
  • slow
  • soft
  • soothing
  • sporadic
  • stifled
  • stumbling
  • suspense
  • suspicion
  • suspicious
  • tentative
  • timid
  • tottering
  • trembling
  • unanswered
  • uncertain
  • uncertainty
  • unconvinced
  • undecided
  • undetermined
  • uneven
  • unreliable
  • unsettled
  • unsolved
  • unstable
  • unsteady
  • unsure
  • unwilling
  • unwillingness
  • vacillating
  • vacillation
  • vague
  • wabbly
  • wavering
  • weak
  • wishy-washy
  • wobbling
  • wobbly

Antonyms for faltering

  • adroit
  • belief
  • believing
  • bold
  • brave
  • bright
  • calm
  • calmness
  • certain
  • certainty
  • certitude
  • clarity
  • clear
  • clever
  • close
  • confidence
  • confident
  • connected
  • constant
  • continuing
  • continuous
  • convincing
  • decided
  • deciding
  • decisive
  • definite
  • definiteness
  • dependable
  • determination
  • determined
  • dexterous
  • distinct
  • eager
  • ease
  • easy
  • extroverted
  • faith
  • fearless
  • firm
  • firmness
  • friendly
  • graceful
  • guarded
  • happy
  • harsh
  • healthy
  • intelligent
  • intelligible
  • knowledge
  • loud
  • near
  • nearby
  • protected
  • ready
  • regular
  • reliable
  • resolute
  • resolution
  • rough
  • safe
  • secure
  • settled
  • sharp
  • smart
  • smooth
  • sound
  • stable
  • steady
  • stirring
  • strong
  • sure
  • sureness
  • thick
  • trust
  • trustworthy
  • trusty
  • unambivalent
  • understandable
  • undoubted
  • violent
  • warm
  • willing

Meanings of faltering

  • verb
    1. To waver or be unsteady; to weaken or trail off.
    2. To stammer; to utter with hesitation, or in a weak and trembling manner.
    3. To fail in distinctness or regularity of exercise; said of the mind or of thought.
    4. To stumble.
    5. To lose faith or vigor; to doubt or abandon (a cause).
    6. To hesitate in purpose or action.
    7. To cleanse or sift, as barley.
  • noun
    1. Hesitancy.
  • adjective
    1. Hesitant, halting.

Example Sentences

  • The leader's speech was compelling, but his confidence began faltering midway through.
  • The project faced serious delays due to the faltering support from key stakeholders.
  • She noticed his performance was faltering and stepped in to offer assistance.
  • Despite a strong start, the team's efforts were faltering as the deadline approached.
  • The company's financial stability was faltering under the weight of increasing debt.

On this page you'll find 204 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to faltering, such as: adroit, afraid, ailing, ambiguity, anemic, apprehension, averse.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • adjusting
  • alteration
  • amends
  • analogy
  • analysis
  • arrangement
  • atonement
  • check
  • compensating
  • connection
  • contrast
  • correlation
  • equalizing
  • equating
  • examination
  • example
  • faltering
  • hesitating
  • identification
  • improvement
  • indemnity
  • investigation
  • juxtaposition
  • levelling
  • meeting
  • modification
  • observation
  • paying
  • ratio
  • readjustment
  • rectification
  • regulation
  • relation
  • remedy
  • reparation
  • reprisal
  • resemblance
  • restitution
  • retribution
  • review
  • scrutiny
  • settling
  • similarity
  • standing
  • survey
  • testing
  • verification


  • collapsing
  • dangling
  • decadence
  • decay
  • decaying
  • declination
  • decline
  • declining
  • decreasing
  • degeneracy
  • degeneration
  • degradation
  • descending
  • deterioration
  • devaluation
  • diminishing
  • dipping
  • downfall
  • downgrade
  • dropping
  • dying
  • ebbing
  • faltering
  • losing
  • lowering
  • pendant
  • pendent
  • perishing
  • plummeting
  • plunging
  • shrinking
  • sinking
  • sliding
  • slipping
  • straying
  • stumbling
  • subsiding
  • succumbing
  • surrendering
  • suspended
  • throwing
  • toppling
  • trespassing
  • tripping
  • tumbling
  • vanishing
  • wandering
  • weakening



  • calmly
  • casually
  • deliberately
  • falteringly
  • gently
  • gradually
  • hesitantly
  • hesitatingly
  • lazily
  • nonchalantly
  • slowly
  • tentatively

taking the count

  • bow
  • bowing out
  • break down
  • buckle
  • capitulate
  • cave in
  • cease
  • decline
  • defer
  • drop
  • fall
  • falling
  • faltering
  • give in
  • give way
  • go down
  • losing
  • pass away
  • perish
  • quit
  • wilt
  • yield

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