
The word “familiar” has 3 syllables: fa-mil-iar.

It's pronounced as /fəˈmɪl.jər/.

What is synonym and antonym for familiar?

In the thesaurus, “familiar” has 40 synonyms and 21 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for familiar along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for familiar

  • acquainted
  • arrogant
  • aware
  • bold
  • buddy
  • chummy
  • close
  • comfortable
  • common
  • commonplace
  • confident
  • conversant
  • denizen
  • easy
  • fan
  • forward
  • frequent
  • frequenter
  • friend
  • friendly
  • guest
  • household
  • important
  • informed
  • inseparable
  • intimate
  • lover
  • mundane
  • ordinary
  • overfamiliar
  • patron
  • presumptuous
  • proud
  • rat
  • recognizable
  • regular
  • simple
  • smug
  • ubiquitous
  • usual

Antonyms for familiar

  • distant
  • down-to-earth
  • enemy
  • extraordinary
  • foe
  • humble
  • ignorant
  • lowly
  • meek
  • modest
  • rare
  • seldom
  • timid
  • unassuming
  • unaware
  • uncommon
  • unfamiliar
  • unhappy
  • uninformed
  • unpretentious
  • unusual

Meanings of familiar

  • noun
    1. An attendant spirit, often in animal or demon form.
    2. A member of one's family or household.
    3. A member of a pope's or bishop's household.
    4. A close friend.
    5. The officer of the Inquisition who arrested suspected people.
  • adjective
    1. Known to one, or generally known; commonplace.
    2. Acquainted.
    3. Intimate or friendly.
    4. Inappropriately intimate or friendly.
    5. Of or pertaining to a family; familial.

Example Sentences

  • The landscape looked strangely familiar, even though I had never been here before.
  • She had a familiar feeling as she walked through her old neighborhood.
  • The professor's teaching style was familiar to the students from previous courses.
  • His voice sounded familiar, but she couldn't place where she had heard it before.
  • The familiar aroma of cookies baking in the oven reminded her of her childhood.

On this page you'll find 61 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to familiar, such as: acquainted, arrogant, aware, bold, buddy, chummy, close.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words



  • angel
  • apparition
  • bogy
  • djinn
  • djinni
  • doppelganger
  • familiar
  • genie
  • genius
  • jinn
  • jinni
  • materialization
  • phantasm
  • phantom
  • poltergeist
  • specter
  • spectre
  • spirit
  • wraith


  • angels
  • djinn
  • djinns
  • familiars
  • genies
  • genii
  • jinn
  • jinns
  • materializations
  • phantoms
  • shadows
  • specters
  • spectres
  • spirits
  • wraiths


  • angels
  • djinn
  • djinns
  • familiars
  • genies
  • genii
  • jinn
  • jinns
  • materializations
  • phantoms
  • shadows
  • specters
  • spectres
  • spirits
  • wraiths


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