
The word “familiarity” has 6 syllables: fa-mil-i-ar-i-ty.

It's pronounced as /fəˌmɪl.iˈær.ɪ.ti/.

What is synonym and antonym for familiarity?

In the thesaurus, “familiarity” has 18 synonyms and 8 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for familiarity along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for familiarity

  • acquaintance
  • awareness
  • belonging
  • blunder
  • boldness
  • closeness
  • error
  • experience
  • faux pas
  • freshness
  • indiscretion
  • intimacy
  • kinship
  • knowledge
  • mistake
  • offence
  • sense
  • understanding

Antonyms for familiarity

  • attention
  • civility
  • courtesy
  • distance
  • formality
  • gesture
  • ignorance
  • unfamiliarity

Meanings of familiarity

  • noun
    1. The state of being extremely friendly; intimacy.
    2. Undue intimacy; inappropriate informality, impertinence.
    3. An instance of familiar behaviour.
    4. Close or habitual acquaintance with someone or something; understanding or recognition acquired from experience.

Example Sentences

  • His familiarity with the city made him an excellent tour guide.
  • The job interview assessed not only skills but also the candidate's familiarity with industry trends.
  • Her familiarity with the subject matter gave her a clear advantage in the discussion.
  • The novel's familiarity with everyday life resonated with many readers.
  • Building familiarity with the new software took some time, but it eventually became second nature.

On this page you'll find 26 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to familiarity, such as: acquaintance, attention, awareness, belonging, blunder, boldness, civility.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words



  • abate
  • allay
  • alleviates
  • alleviations
  • ameliorate
  • aplomb
  • calm
  • calmness
  • comfort
  • composure
  • content
  • decreases
  • dexterity
  • diminishes
  • edge
  • efficiency
  • expedite
  • facilitate
  • facilitates
  • falls
  • familiarity
  • flexibility
  • fluency
  • further
  • helps
  • improve
  • lessen
  • lift
  • loosen
  • loosens
  • lowers
  • luxury
  • mitigate
  • mitigates
  • moderate
  • nonchalance
  • poise
  • promote
  • quickness
  • reduces
  • relax
  • relaxation
  • releases
  • reliefs
  • relieve
  • relieves
  • satisfaction
  • serenity
  • simplicity
  • simplify
  • slide
  • slip
  • soften
  • softens
  • soothe
  • soothes
  • speed
  • subsides


  • aplomb
  • assurance
  • casualness
  • composure
  • confidence
  • dexterity
  • efficiency
  • familiarity
  • flexibility
  • fluency
  • impassivity
  • indifference
  • laid-backness
  • nonchalance
  • poise
  • quickness
  • self-assurance
  • self-assuredness
  • self-confidence
  • simplicity
  • spontaneity
  • tranquillity
  • unconcern



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