
The word “fans” has 1 syllable: fans.

It's pronounced as /fænz/.

What is synonym and antonym for fans?

In the thesaurus, “fans” has 43 synonyms and 5 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for fans along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for fans

  • activates
  • animates
  • arouses
  • audience
  • congregation
  • crowd
  • drives
  • encourages
  • energizes
  • enflames
  • enthusiasts
  • excites
  • fanatics
  • flickers
  • flicks
  • gallery
  • galvanizes
  • gathering
  • ignites
  • impassions
  • incites
  • induces
  • inflames
  • inspires
  • kindles
  • lovers
  • market
  • motivates
  • motives
  • moves
  • oscillates
  • piques
  • provokes
  • public
  • sets off
  • sparks
  • stimulates
  • stirs
  • suckers
  • sways
  • swings
  • triggers
  • waves

Antonyms for fans

  • appeases
  • calms
  • nonfans
  • soothes
  • subdues

Meanings of fans

  • noun
    1. A hand-held device consisting of concertinaed material, or slats of material, gathered together at one end, that may be opened out into the shape of a sector of a circle and waved back and forth in order to move air towards oneself and cool oneself.
    2. An electrical or mechanical device for moving air, used for cooling people, machinery, etc.
    3. The action of fanning; agitation of the air.
    4. Anything resembling a hand-held fan in shape, e.g., a peacock’s tail.
    5. An instrument for winnowing grain, by moving which the grain is tossed and agitated, and the chaff is separated and blown away.
    6. A small vane or sail, used to keep the large sails of a smock mill always in the direction of the wind.
    7. A section of a tree having a finite number of branches.
    8. A person who is fond of something or someone, especially an admirer of a performer or aficionado of a sport.
  • verb
    1. To blow air on (something) by means of a fan (hand-held, mechanical or electrical) or otherwise.
    2. To slap (a behind, especially).
    3. (usually to fan out) To move or spread in multiple directions from one point, in the shape of a hand-held fan.
    4. To dispel by waving a hand-held fan.
    5. To perform a maneuver that involves flicking the top rear of an old-style gun.
    6. (metaphoric) To invigorate, like flames when fanned.
    7. To winnow grain.

Example Sentences

  • The stadium was filled with enthusiastic fans cheering for their team.
  • Many fans were excited to meet their favorite actor after the show.
  • The concert was a huge success, with thousands of fans in attendance.
  • Fans of the book series eagerly awaited the release of the final installment.
  • The team’s victory was celebrated by fans all over the city.

On this page you'll find 48 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to fans, such as: activates, animates, appeases, arouses, audience, calms, congregation.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words



  • acquaintance
  • adviser
  • ally
  • associate
  • bride
  • buddies
  • buddy
  • classmate
  • clients
  • colleague
  • companion
  • comrade
  • confidant
  • confidante
  • cousin
  • coworker
  • crony
  • customers
  • denizens
  • fans
  • friends
  • guests
  • lovers
  • partner
  • patrons
  • playmate
  • rats
  • regulars
  • roommate
  • schoolmate
  • spouse


  • activists
  • crusaders
  • enthusiasts
  • fans
  • lovers
  • maniacs
  • militants
  • partisans
  • suckers
  • zealots


  • aficionado
  • enthusiasts
  • fans
  • lovers
  • suckers


  • denizens
  • devotees
  • fans
  • frequenters
  • guests
  • lovers
  • patrons
  • rats
  • regulars

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