
The word “farsightedness” has 4 syllables: far-sight-ed-ness

It's pronounced as /ˈfɑːrˌsaɪtɪdnɪs/

What is synonym and antonym for farsightedness?

In the thesaurus, “farsightedness” has 5 synonyms and 3 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for farsightedness along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for farsightedness

  • foresight
  • foresightedness
  • providence
  • prudence
  • vision

Antonyms for farsightedness

  • improvidence
  • myopia
  • shortsightedness

Example Sentences

  • His farsightedness allowed him to predict the technological revolution before it happened.
  • The company's farsightedness in environmental sustainability has set it apart from competitors.
  • The government’s farsightedness in infrastructure planning benefited future generations.
  • Her farsightedness in nurturing young talent has contributed to the organization’s success.
  • The farsightedness of the policy helped protect the economy during the global crisis.

On this page you'll find 8 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to farsightedness, such as: foresight, foresightedness, improvidence, myopia, providence, prudence, shortsightedness.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

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