
The word “gainsaying” has 3 syllables: gain-say-ing.

It's pronounced as /ˈɡeɪnˌseɪɪŋ/.

What is synonym and antonym for gainsaying?

In the thesaurus, “gainsaying” has 35 synonyms and 29 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for gainsaying along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for gainsaying

  • adverse
  • annulment
  • anti
  • antithesis
  • antithetical
  • averse
  • conflict
  • contradicting
  • denial
  • denying
  • difference
  • disagreement
  • disapproval
  • disavowal
  • disclaimer
  • discrepancy
  • dispute
  • disputed
  • gloomy
  • hostile
  • inconsistency
  • inimical
  • opposing
  • pessimistic
  • rebuttal
  • refuting
  • rejecting
  • rejection
  • renunciation
  • repudiation
  • retraction
  • reversal
  • unfavorable
  • veto
  • weak

Antonyms for gainsaying

  • accepting
  • accord
  • acknowledging
  • admitting
  • adopting
  • agreement
  • allowance
  • allowing
  • approval
  • conceding
  • concurrence
  • confident
  • confirmation
  • confirming
  • consistency
  • corroborating
  • embracing
  • favorable
  • friendly
  • harmony
  • kind
  • likeness
  • owning
  • peace
  • ratification
  • sameness
  • sanction
  • similarity
  • verifying

Meanings of gainsaying

  • noun
    1. Opposition, especially in speech.
    2. Refusal to accept or believe something.
    3. Contradiction.
    4. Denial; denying.
    5. Rebellious opposition; rebellion.
  • verb
    1. To say something in contradiction to.

Example Sentences

  • His actions spoke louder than any gainsaying could.
  • The impressive results left no room for gainsaying the effectiveness of the new strategy.
  • Despite the challenges, there was no gainsaying the team's determination to succeed.
  • The overwhelming evidence left them without room for gainsaying their culpability.
  • The unanimous decision of the committee left no space for gainsaying among its members.

On this page you'll find 64 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to gainsaying, such as: accepting, accord, acknowledging, admitting, adopting, adverse, agreement.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Word List