
The word “garbage” has 2 syllables: gar-bage.

It's pronounced as /ˈɡɑr.bɪdʒ/.

What is synonym and antonym for garbage?

In the thesaurus, “garbage” has 16 synonyms and 15 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for garbage along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for garbage

  • blah
  • debris
  • drool
  • dust
  • jazz
  • junk
  • litter
  • muck
  • nonsense
  • nuts
  • rubbish
  • sewage
  • silliness
  • stupidity
  • trash
  • truck

Antonyms for garbage

  • catch
  • common sense
  • find
  • gem
  • horse sense
  • jewel
  • pearl
  • plum
  • prize
  • rationality
  • reasonableness
  • sense
  • treasure
  • treasure trove
  • trove

Meanings of garbage

  • noun
    1. Food waste material of any kind.
    2. Useless or disposable material; waste material of any kind.
    3. A place or receptacle for waste material.
    4. Nonsense; gibberish.
    5. Something or someone worthless.
    6. The bowels of an animal; refuse parts of flesh; offal.
  • verb
    1. To eviscerate.
  • adjective
    1. Bad, crap, shitty.

Example Sentences

  • Garbage collection is scheduled for Tuesday mornings in our neighborhood.
  • Please remember to separate recyclables from regular garbage before disposal.
  • The overflowing garbage bin attracted a swarm of flies to the backyard.
  • Environmentalists advocate for reducing single-use plastics to minimize garbage pollution.
  • We need to invest in better garbage disposal methods to combat the growing waste crisis.

On this page you'll find 31 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to garbage, such as: blah, catch, common sense, debris, drool, dust, find.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • blah
  • drool
  • garbage
  • nonsense
  • nuts
  • rubbish
  • silliness
  • stupidity


  • balderdash
  • blah
  • bunk
  • claptrap
  • drool
  • foolishness
  • garbage
  • hogwash
  • muck
  • nonsense
  • nuts
  • rubbish
  • silliness
  • stupidity
  • twaddle


  • balderdash
  • baloney
  • beans
  • bilge
  • blah
  • blah-blah
  • blather
  • blatherskite
  • blither
  • boloney
  • bull
  • buncombe
  • bunk
  • bunkum
  • claptrap
  • craziness
  • crock
  • flapdoodle
  • garbage
  • guff
  • hogwash
  • hokum
  • hooey
  • humbuggery
  • jazz
  • malarkey
  • malarky
  • muck
  • nonsense
  • nuts
  • piffle
  • poppycock
  • rubbish
  • silliness
  • stupidity
  • tarradiddle
  • tosh
  • trumpery
  • twaddle


  • beans
  • blah
  • bunk
  • drool
  • fiddle
  • garbage
  • nonsense
  • nuts
  • punk
  • rubbish
  • silliness
  • stupidity
  • trash


  • betting
  • debris
  • dust
  • game of chance
  • garbage
  • junk
  • litter
  • rubbish
  • sweepstake
  • trash
  • truck

Word List