
The word “gas” has 1 syllable: gas.

It's pronounced as /ɡæs/.

What is synonym and antonym for gas?

In the thesaurus, “gas” has 26 synonyms and 28 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for gas along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for gas

  • blow smoke
  • bull
  • chat
  • content
  • converse
  • delight
  • energy
  • feast
  • gasconade
  • hot air
  • joy
  • juice
  • please
  • rattle
  • rhetoric
  • rhodomontade
  • rodomontade
  • satisfy
  • smoke
  • suit
  • talk
  • treat
  • vapor
  • vigor
  • warm
  • wind

Antonyms for gas

  • aggravate
  • anger
  • annoy
  • bother
  • bug
  • chafe
  • cross
  • displease
  • gall
  • get
  • grate
  • incense
  • indolence
  • inflame
  • irritate
  • laziness
  • lethargy
  • listlessness
  • outrage
  • perturb
  • pique
  • put out
  • ruffle
  • sluggishness
  • tenderness
  • torpidity
  • vex
  • weakness

Meanings of gas

  • noun
    1. Matter in a state intermediate between liquid and plasma that can be contained only if it is fully surrounded by a solid (or in a bubble of liquid) (or held together by gravitational pull); it can condense into a liquid, or can (rarely) become a solid directly.
    2. A chemical element or compound in such a state.
    3. A flammable gaseous hydrocarbon or hydrocarbon mixture (typically predominantly methane) used as a fuel, e.g. for cooking, heating, electricity generation or as a fuel in internal combustion engines in vehicles.
    4. A hob on a gas cooker.
    5. Methane or other waste gases trapped in one's belly as a result of the digestive process.
    6. A humorous or entertaining event or person.
    7. Frothy talk; chatter.
    8. A fastball.
    9. Arterial or venous blood gas.
    10. Marijuana, typically of high quality.
    11. Gasoline; a derivative of petroleum used as fuel.
    12. Gas pedal.
  • verb
    1. To kill with poisonous gas.
    2. To talk in a boastful or vapid way; chatter.
    3. To impose upon by talking boastfully.
    4. To emit gas.
    5. To impregnate with gas.
    6. To singe, as in a gas flame, so as to remove loose fibers.
    7. To give a vehicle more fuel in order to accelerate it.
    8. To fill (a vehicle's fuel tank) with fuel.
  • adjective
    1. Comical, zany; fun, amusing.

Example Sentences

  • Please make sure to fill up the gas tank before we leave.
  • The car suddenly stalled because it ran out of gas.
  • We need to stop at the station to buy gas for the lawnmower.
  • The chef added a little bit of gas to the burner to increase the heat.
  • Don't forget to check the gas levels before heading out on a long trip.

On this page you'll find 54 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to gas, such as: aggravate, anger, annoy, blow smoke, bother, bug, bull.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • barouches
  • broughams
  • buckboards
  • buggies
  • cabs
  • carryalls
  • chaises
  • chariots
  • coaches
  • coupes
  • diligences
  • hackney coaches
  • hackneys
  • hansom cabs
  • hansoms
  • phaetons
  • roadsters
  • stagecoaches
  • surreys
  • tandems
  • tongas


  • condensation
  • evaporation
  • fog
  • gas
  • humidity
  • moisture
  • smog
  • smoke
  • steam

dark lantern

  • arc lamp
  • arc light
  • candelabra
  • candelabrum
  • candle
  • chandelier
  • flashlight
  • floodlight
  • fluorescent lamp
  • gasolier
  • girandole
  • headlight
  • incandescent lamp
  • lantern
  • light bulb
  • lighthouse
  • lighting
  • spotlight
  • sun lamp

dark lanterns

  • arc lamps
  • arc lights
  • candelabrums
  • candles
  • chandeliers
  • floodlights
  • fluorescent lamps
  • gasoliers
  • girandoles
  • headlights
  • incandescent lamps
  • kleig lights
  • klieg lights
  • lanterns
  • light bulbs
  • sun lamps


  • beat
  • bit
  • blow
  • bolt
  • bound
  • burden
  • buzz
  • chase
  • concern
  • dampen
  • dart
  • depress
  • disappoint
  • distress
  • drive
  • energy
  • fling
  • fly
  • gallop
  • gas
  • get down
  • hint
  • hurl
  • hurry
  • hurtle
  • jog
  • juice
  • jump
  • life
  • lunge
  • pep
  • pinch
  • plunge
  • punch
  • race
  • ruin
  • run
  • rush
  • scamper
  • scoot
  • scurry
  • scuttle
  • shatter
  • shoot
  • skip
  • slam
  • smash
  • speed
  • splash
  • splatter
  • spoil
  • sprinkling
  • sprint
  • tear
  • throw
  • thwart
  • torture
  • toss
  • travel
  • trot
  • trouble
  • vigor
  • vinegar
  • weigh down
  • worry
  • zip

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