
The word “gates” has 1 syllable: gates.

It's pronounced as /ɡeɪts/.

What is synonym and antonym for gates?

In the thesaurus, “gates” has 12 synonyms and 1 antonym.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for gates along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for gates

  • bar
  • dikes
  • door
  • doors
  • doorway
  • doorways
  • exit
  • fence
  • fences
  • hedges
  • port
  • valves

Antonyms for gates

  • opens

Meanings of gates

  • noun
    1. A doorlike structure outside a house.
    2. Doorway, opening, or passage in a fence or wall.
    3. Movable barrier.
    4. A logical pathway made up of switches which turn on or off. Examples are and, or, nand, etc.
    5. The gap between a batsman's bat and pad.
    6. The amount of money made by selling tickets to a concert or a sports event.
    7. (flow cytometry) A line that separates particle type-clusters on two-dimensional dot plots.
    8. Passageway (as in an air terminal) where passengers can embark or disembark.
    9. The controlling terminal of a field effect transistor (FET).
    10. In a lock tumbler, the opening for the stump of the bolt to pass through or into.
    11. The channel or opening through which metal is poured into the mould; the ingate.
    12. The waste piece of metal cast in the opening; a sprue or sullage piece. Also written geat and git.
    13. A mechanism, in a film camera and projector, that holds each frame momentarily stationary behind the aperture.
    14. A tally mark consisting of four vertical bars crossed by a diagonal, representing a count of five.
    15. A way, path.
    16. A journey.
    17. A street; now used especially as a combining form to make the name of a street e.g. "Briggate" (a common street name in the north of England meaning "Bridge Street") or Kirkgate meaning "Church Street".
    18. Manner; gait.
  • verb
    1. To keep something inside by means of a closed gate.
    2. To punish, especially a child or teenager, by not allowing them to go out.
    3. To open a closed ion channel.
    4. To furnish with a gate.
    5. To turn (an image intensifier) on and off selectively as needed, or to avoid damage. See autogating.

Example Sentences

  • The gates to the estate were adorned with beautiful wrought iron designs.
  • We need to ensure that the gates are locked securely before leaving the property.
  • The gates of the amusement park open at 10 a.m. every morning.
  • The new development features high-tech gates for enhanced security.
  • The gates of the old castle have stood for centuries and are a historic landmark.

On this page you'll find 13 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to gates, such as: bar, dikes, door, doors, doorway, doorways, exit.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • chases
  • deports
  • dismiss
  • dismisses
  • dispel
  • drive away
  • eject
  • ejects
  • eliminate
  • eradicate
  • evict
  • evicts
  • exclude
  • exile
  • exiles
  • expels
  • get rid of
  • isolate
  • ostracize
  • oust
  • outlaw
  • outs
  • relegate
  • relegates
  • remove
  • removes


  • abate
  • allay
  • alleviates
  • alleviations
  • ameliorate
  • aplomb
  • calm
  • calmness
  • comfort
  • composure
  • content
  • decreases
  • dexterity
  • diminishes
  • edge
  • efficiency
  • expedite
  • facilitate
  • facilitates
  • falls
  • familiarity
  • flexibility
  • fluency
  • further
  • helps
  • improve
  • lessen
  • lift
  • loosen
  • loosens
  • lowers
  • luxury
  • mitigate
  • mitigates
  • moderate
  • nonchalance
  • poise
  • promote
  • quickness
  • reduces
  • relax
  • relaxation
  • releases
  • reliefs
  • relieve
  • relieves
  • satisfaction
  • serenity
  • simplicity
  • simplify
  • slide
  • slip
  • soften
  • softens
  • soothe
  • soothes
  • speed
  • subsides


  • agents
  • aspect
  • attorneys
  • cause
  • circumstance
  • component
  • components
  • consideration
  • delegates
  • deputies
  • element
  • elements
  • influence
  • ingredient
  • ingredients
  • managers
  • members
  • ministers
  • part
  • point
  • proxies
  • representatives
  • thing



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