
The word “gathers” has 2 syllables: gath-ers.

It's pronounced as /ˈɡæðərz/.

What is synonym and antonym for gathers?

In the thesaurus, “gathers” has 40 synonyms and 29 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for gathers along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for gathers

  • accumulates
  • amasses
  • assemble
  • assembles
  • build
  • choose
  • cluster
  • collect
  • collects
  • conclude
  • congregate
  • convene
  • convenes
  • converge
  • converges
  • crowd
  • decides
  • derives
  • draw
  • expect
  • find
  • flock
  • gains
  • garners
  • harvests
  • hear
  • huddle
  • joins
  • learn
  • make
  • meet
  • meets
  • pick
  • pick up
  • picks
  • round up
  • show up
  • summons
  • take
  • understands

Antonyms for gathers

  • breaks up
  • cancel
  • departs
  • disallow
  • dispels
  • disperse
  • disperses
  • dissemble
  • dissipates
  • dissolves
  • divide
  • fail
  • leave
  • leaves
  • lose
  • loses
  • miss
  • plants
  • refuse
  • reject
  • repulse
  • scatter
  • scatters
  • seeds
  • sends
  • separate
  • separates
  • spread
  • stop

Meanings of gathers

  • noun
    1. A plait or fold in cloth, made by drawing a thread through it; a pucker.
    2. The inclination forward of the axle journals to keep the wheels from working outward.
    3. The soffit or under surface of the masonry required in gathering. See gather (transitive verb).
    4. A blob of molten glass collected on the end of a blowpipe.
    5. A gathering.
  • verb
    1. To collect; normally separate things.
    2. To bring parts of a whole closer.
    3. To infer or conclude; to know from a different source.
    4. (of a boil or sore) To be filled with pus.
    5. To collect molten glass on the end of a tool.
    6. To gain; to win.

Example Sentences

  • She gathers flowers from the garden every morning.
  • The team gathers data to analyze market trends.
  • As the storm approaches, everyone gathers supplies and prepares.
  • He gathers his thoughts before speaking at the meeting.
  • The shepherd gathers his sheep at the end of the day.

On this page you'll find 69 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to gathers, such as: accumulates, amasses, assemble, assembles, breaks up, build, cancel.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

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