
The word “habituate” has 4 syllables: hab-it-u-ate.

It's pronounced as /həˈbɪtʃuˌeɪt/.

What is synonym and antonym for habituate?

In the thesaurus, “habituate” has 4 synonyms and 1 antonym.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for habituate along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for habituate

  • accustom
  • frequent
  • haunt
  • visit

Antonyms for habituate

  • avoid

Meanings of habituate

  • verb
    1. To make accustomed; to accustom; to familiarize.
    2. To settle as an inhabitant.

Example Sentences

  • The mountain climbers needed to habituate to the high altitudes before attempting the summit.
  • Wildlife in captivity may struggle to habituate to their new environment.
  • Gradually, the city dwellers began to habituate to the bustling sounds of urban life.
  • Researchers aimed to habituate the laboratory mice to specific experimental conditions.
  • Explorers had to habituate themselves to the extreme temperatures of the Arctic wilderness.

On this page you'll find 5 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to habituate, such as: accustom, avoid, frequent, haunt, visit.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words



  • acclimated
  • accustomed
  • adapted
  • adjusted
  • adopted
  • alien
  • appropriated
  • assimilated
  • borrowed
  • domesticated
  • embraced
  • espoused
  • familiarize
  • familiarized
  • foreign
  • foreign-born
  • habituated
  • imported
  • incorporated
  • international
  • introduced
  • nonnative
  • oriented
  • transplanted
  • usurped


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