
The word “hacked” has 1 syllable: hacked.

It's pronounced as /hækt/.

What is synonym and antonym for hacked?

In the thesaurus, “hacked” has 44 synonyms and 34 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for hacked along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for hacked

  • accepted
  • addressed
  • afraid
  • apprehensive
  • careful
  • concerned
  • depleted
  • desperate
  • distressed
  • dogged
  • endured
  • enraged
  • exasperated
  • fearful
  • fidgety
  • fierce
  • frantic
  • frenetic
  • frenzied
  • handled
  • incensed
  • indignant
  • infuriated
  • irate
  • jittery
  • livid
  • managed
  • manipulated
  • miffed
  • negotiated
  • nervous
  • raging
  • restless
  • scared
  • stood
  • sustained
  • tolerated
  • took
  • treated
  • uneasy
  • uptight
  • vehement
  • violent
  • weary

Antonyms for hacked

  • bold
  • botched
  • brave
  • bungled
  • calm
  • cheerful
  • collected
  • composed
  • confident
  • contested
  • cool
  • courageous
  • declined
  • dismissed
  • fought
  • fumbled
  • gentle
  • happy
  • inattentive
  • mishandled
  • muffed
  • opposed
  • peaceful
  • pleased
  • quiet
  • refused
  • rejected
  • repudiated
  • resisted
  • turned down
  • unafraid
  • unconcerned
  • unfearful
  • unworried

Meanings of hacked

  • verb
    1. To chop or cut down in a rough manner.
    2. To cough noisily.
    3. To withstand or put up with a difficult situation.
    4. To make a quick code change to patch a computer program, often one that, while being effective, is inelegant or makes the program harder to maintain.
    5. To accomplish a difficult programming task.
    6. To work with something on an intimately technical level.
    7. (by extension) To apply a trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method to something to increase productivity, efficiency or ease.
    8. To hack into; to gain unauthorized access to (a computer system, e.g., a website, or network) by manipulating code.
    9. (by extension) To gain unauthorised access to a computer or online account belonging to (a person or organisation).
    10. To strike an opponent's leg with one's hockey stick.
    11. To make a flailing attempt to hit the puck with a hockey stick.
    12. To swing at a pitched ball.
    13. (soccer and rugby) To kick (a player) on the shins.
    14. To strike in a frantic movement.
    15. To strike lightly as part of tapotement massage.
    16. To lay (bricks) on a rack to dry.
    17. To keep (young hawks) in a state of partial freedom, before they are trained.
    18. To make common or cliched; to vulgarise.
    19. To ride a horse at a regular pace; to ride on a road (as opposed to riding cross-country etc.).
    20. To be exposed or offered or to common use for hire; to turn prostitute.
    21. To live the life of a drudge or hack.
    22. To use as a hack; to let out for hire.
    23. To use frequently and indiscriminately, so as to render trite and commonplace.
    24. To play hackeysack.

Example Sentences

  • The cybersecurity expert quickly identified the hacked accounts.
  • Despite the increased security measures, the website was still hacked.
  • The company suffered a data breach when its database was hacked.
  • Users were urged to change their passwords after the social media platform was hacked.
  • The email system was compromised when employees' accounts were hacked.

On this page you'll find 78 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to hacked, such as: accepted, addressed, afraid, apprehensive, bold, botched, brave.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • attacked
  • banged
  • batted
  • battered
  • beat
  • blamed
  • bombed
  • carved
  • clapped
  • clipped
  • cracked
  • criticized
  • drew
  • drunk
  • drunken
  • fashioned
  • forged
  • fried
  • hit
  • impaired
  • knocked
  • lashed
  • lectured
  • licked
  • pelted
  • plastered
  • pounded
  • punched
  • reprimanded
  • scolded
  • slammed
  • slapped
  • smacked
  • smashed
  • spanked
  • struck
  • swiped
  • thumped
  • wasted
  • wet
  • whacked
  • whipped

made it

  • abound
  • accomplish
  • achieve
  • advance
  • aid
  • appear
  • arrive
  • arrived
  • assist
  • attain
  • beat
  • become
  • benefit
  • bloom
  • blossom
  • bring about
  • carry out
  • catch on
  • certify
  • come
  • come through
  • come to
  • commit
  • complete
  • conclude
  • confront
  • continue
  • contribute to
  • cut it
  • deal with
  • do
  • do well
  • dwell
  • earn
  • enable
  • enact
  • endure
  • enforce
  • enhance
  • enter
  • entitle
  • favor
  • feed
  • finish
  • flourish
  • flourished
  • further
  • gain
  • get
  • get along
  • get by
  • get through
  • go on
  • got ahead
  • got somewhere
  • got there
  • grapple
  • hacked it
  • handle
  • happen
  • help
  • hit
  • hit it big
  • implement
  • improve
  • land
  • last
  • lead
  • lie
  • live
  • made good
  • made the grade
  • maintain
  • make
  • manage
  • materialize
  • meet
  • move
  • multiply
  • obtain
  • occur
  • outdo
  • overcome
  • pass
  • pay
  • pay off
  • perform
  • prevail
  • produce
  • promote
  • prosecute
  • prosper
  • prospered
  • prove
  • pull off
  • reach
  • ready
  • realize
  • reap
  • reign
  • remain
  • report
  • reside
  • resist
  • ride out
  • score
  • scrape by
  • secure
  • serve
  • shine
  • show
  • show up
  • sign in
  • succeed
  • succeeded
  • suffer
  • surmount
  • survive
  • take care of
  • take place
  • thrive
  • thrived
  • train
  • transcend
  • triumph
  • turn up
  • visit
  • win
  • withstand
  • wrestle


  • airtight
  • apprehended
  • arrested
  • balanced
  • banged
  • batted
  • calm
  • captured
  • caught
  • clapped
  • clinched
  • clipped
  • cracked
  • decided
  • determined
  • distinct
  • durable
  • established
  • exposed
  • fast
  • got
  • grabbed
  • hit
  • hooked
  • immobile
  • immovable
  • knocked
  • landed
  • lasting
  • locked
  • motionless
  • parked
  • permanent
  • pounded
  • pronounced
  • punched
  • reliable
  • resolved
  • rigid
  • robust
  • safe
  • secure
  • seized
  • settled
  • short
  • slammed
  • slapped
  • smacked
  • snatched
  • solid
  • stagnant
  • static
  • stationary
  • steady
  • strong
  • struck
  • sturdy
  • substantial
  • sure
  • swiped
  • tenacious
  • tight
  • uncomfortable
  • uncovered
  • unshakable
  • whacked


  • accompanied
  • banged
  • batted
  • boxed
  • chased
  • chose
  • clapped
  • clipped
  • escorted
  • followed
  • hit
  • kicked
  • knocked
  • labeled
  • labelled
  • marked
  • named
  • picked
  • pounded
  • punched
  • pursued
  • selected
  • slammed
  • slapped
  • smacked
  • struck
  • swiped
  • titled
  • tracked
  • whacked


  • banged
  • clapped
  • clipped
  • cracked
  • hit
  • kicked
  • knocked
  • pounded
  • punched
  • slammed
  • slapped
  • smacked
  • struck
  • swiped
  • whacked

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