
The word “hackney” has 2 syllables: hack-ney.

It's pronounced as /ˈhækni/.

What is synonym and antonym for hackney?

In the thesaurus, “hackney” has 66 synonyms and 5 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for hackney along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for hackney

  • barouche
  • bay
  • black
  • bore
  • bronco
  • brougham
  • buckboard
  • buggy
  • cab
  • cabriolet
  • caleche
  • calèche
  • carriage
  • carryall
  • chaise
  • charger
  • chariot
  • chestnut
  • cliche
  • coach
  • commonplace
  • coupe
  • coupé
  • curricle
  • diligence
  • droshky
  • exhaust
  • gig
  • hack
  • hackneyed
  • hansom
  • hansom cab
  • landau
  • mare
  • mount
  • mustang
  • overuse
  • packhorse
  • palomino
  • phaeton
  • pony
  • popularize
  • prancer
  • quarter horse
  • racehorse
  • roadster
  • roan
  • rockaway
  • saddle horse
  • sorrel
  • stagecoach
  • stanhope
  • stereotype
  • stereotyped
  • surrey
  • tandem
  • taxi
  • taxicab
  • tilbury
  • tired
  • tonga
  • troika
  • trotter
  • victoria
  • vulgarize
  • warhorse

Antonyms for hackney

  • fresh
  • new
  • novel
  • original
  • unhackneyed

Meanings of hackney

  • noun
    1. An ordinary horse.
    2. A carriage for hire or a cab.
    3. A horse used to ride or drive.
    4. A breed of English horse.
    5. A hired drudge; a hireling; a prostitute.
  • verb
    1. To make uninteresting or trite by frequent use.
    2. To use as a hackney.
    3. To carry in a hackney coach.
  • adjective
    1. Offered for hire; hence, much used; trite; mean.

Example Sentences

  • The city streets were filled with the clip-clop of hackney carriages.
  • A traditional hackney cab pulled up to the curb to pick up passengers.
  • The historic inn offered hackney carriage rides to explore the charming town.
  • The bustling market square was a common starting point for hackney tours.
  • In the quaint village, visitors could hire a local hackney for a leisurely ride around the countryside.

On this page you'll find 71 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to hackney, such as: barouche, bay, black, bore, bronco, brougham, buckboard.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • barouche
  • brougham
  • buckboard
  • buggy
  • cab
  • chaise
  • chariot
  • coach
  • coupe
  • curricle
  • hackney coach
  • hansom cab
  • landau
  • phaeton
  • roadster
  • tandem


  • barouches
  • broughams
  • buckboards
  • buggies
  • cabs
  • carryalls
  • chaises
  • chariots
  • coaches
  • coupes
  • diligences
  • hackney coaches
  • hackneys
  • hansom cabs
  • hansoms
  • phaetons
  • roadsters
  • stagecoaches
  • surreys
  • tandems
  • tongas


  • buggy
  • cab
  • caroche
  • chariot
  • coach
  • coupe
  • diligence
  • dogcart
  • droshky
  • drosky
  • gig
  • hackney coach
  • hansom cab
  • jaunting car
  • post chaise
  • roadster
  • tandem


  • barouches
  • buggies
  • cabs
  • caleches
  • caroches
  • carryalls
  • coaches
  • coupes
  • curricles
  • diligences
  • dogcarts
  • droshkies
  • droskies
  • gigs
  • hackney coaches
  • hansom cabs
  • jaunting cars
  • landaus
  • post chaises
  • stanhopes
  • tilburies


  • barouche
  • brougham
  • buckboard
  • buggy
  • cab
  • cabriolet
  • carriage
  • carryall
  • chaise
  • chariot
  • coach
  • coupe
  • curricle
  • diligence
  • gig
  • hackney
  • hackney coach
  • hansom
  • hansom cab
  • landau
  • phaeton
  • roadster
  • stagecoach
  • stanhope
  • surrey
  • tandem
  • tilbury
  • tonga
  • victoria

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