
The word “hale” has 1 syllable: hale.

It's pronounced as /heɪl/.

What is synonym and antonym for hale?

In the thesaurus, “hale” has 7 synonyms and 18 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for hale along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for hale

  • drag
  • haul
  • healthy
  • pull
  • robust
  • tow
  • well

Antonyms for hale

  • ailing
  • decrepit
  • diseased
  • drive
  • enfeebled
  • feeble
  • frail
  • ill
  • infirm
  • push
  • sick
  • sickly
  • unfit
  • unhealthy
  • unsound
  • unwell
  • weak
  • weakly

Meanings of hale

  • noun
    1. Health, welfare.
  • adjective
    1. Sound, entire, healthy; robust, not impaired.
  • verb
    1. To drag or pull, especially forcibly.

Example Sentences

  • In his old age, he remained surprisingly hale and hearty, enjoying long walks every morning.
  • The hale farmer worked tirelessly in his fields, regardless of the weather.
  • Despite his advanced years, the retired athlete maintained a hale physique through regular exercise.
  • The doctor praised her patient's hale condition, attributing it to a balanced diet and active lifestyle.
  • Even during the harsh winter months, the mountain villagers appeared remarkably hale and resilient.

On this page you'll find 25 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to hale, such as: ailing, decrepit, diseased, drag, drive, enfeebled, feeble.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • box
  • bungalow
  • cabin
  • camp
  • chalet
  • cot
  • cottage
  • home
  • hootch
  • hovel
  • hut
  • lean-to
  • lodge
  • ranch
  • shack
  • shanty
  • shed
  • shelter
  • summer house


  • box
  • bungalow
  • bungalows
  • cabin
  • cabins
  • camps
  • chalet
  • cot
  • cottage
  • cottages
  • home
  • hovel
  • hovels
  • hut
  • huts
  • lean-to
  • lodge
  • ranch
  • shack
  • shacks
  • shanties
  • shanty
  • shed
  • shelter
  • summer house


  • bay
  • box
  • camp
  • cell
  • chalet
  • chamber
  • compartment
  • cottage
  • home
  • hut
  • lodge
  • room
  • shack
  • shanty
  • shed
  • shelter


  • bays
  • box
  • camp
  • camps
  • cells
  • chalet
  • chambers
  • compartment
  • compartments
  • cottage
  • cottages
  • cubes
  • cubicles
  • home
  • hut
  • huts
  • lodge
  • room
  • shack
  • shacks
  • shanty
  • shed
  • shelter


  • box
  • bum
  • bungalow
  • cabin
  • camp
  • chalet
  • cheeks
  • compartment
  • cottage
  • home
  • hut
  • lean-to
  • lodge
  • ranch
  • rear
  • room
  • rump
  • seat
  • shack
  • shanty
  • shed
  • shelter
  • tail

Word List