
The word “hallowed” has 3 syllables: hal-low-ed.

It's pronounced as /ˈhæloʊd/.

What is synonym and antonym for hallowed?

In the thesaurus, “hallowed” has 10 synonyms and 28 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for hallowed along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for hallowed

Antonyms for hallowed

  • bad
  • blasphemous
  • defiled
  • desecrated
  • disgraceful
  • dishonorable
  • disreputable
  • ignominious
  • infamous
  • irreligious
  • irreverent
  • loose
  • notorious
  • polluted
  • profane
  • profaned
  • shadowy
  • shameful
  • soiled
  • sordid
  • tainted
  • unconsecrated
  • unhallowed
  • unholy
  • unsacred
  • vile
  • violated
  • wicked

Meanings of hallowed

  • verb
    1. To make holy, to sanctify.
    2. To shout, especially to urge on dogs for hunting.
  • adjective
    1. Consecrated or sanctified; sacred, holy.

Example Sentences

  • We stood in reverence on the hallowed ground of the battlefield.
  • The hallowed halls of the university are steeped in tradition and history.
  • Each year, we gather to pay tribute to the hallowed memory of those who have passed.
  • The library shelves are filled with hallowed texts that have stood the test of time.
  • The ancient ruins are a reminder of the hallowed civilization that once thrived there.

On this page you'll find 38 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to hallowed, such as: bad, blasphemous, blessed, blest, consecrated, dedicated, defiled.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • admired
  • adored
  • cherished
  • dear
  • esteemed
  • favorite
  • hallowed
  • loved
  • popular
  • prized
  • respected
  • revered
  • treasured
  • venerated
  • well-liked
  • worshiped
  • worshipped





  • angelic
  • chaste
  • devotional
  • devout
  • divine
  • godlike
  • hallowed
  • holy
  • humble
  • pious
  • pure
  • religious
  • revered
  • reverent
  • righteous
  • saintly
  • spiritual
  • sublime
  • upstanding
  • venerable

Word List