hammer and tongs

The phrase “hammer and tongs” has 4 syllables: ham-mer-and-tongs.

It's pronounced as /ˈhæmər ænd tɒŋz/.

What is synonym and antonym for hammer and tongs?

In the thesaurus, “hammer and tongs” has 22 synonyms and 11 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for hammer and tongs along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for hammer and tongs

  • dynamically
  • ferocious
  • fierce
  • fiercely
  • firmly
  • forcefully
  • forcibly
  • furious
  • powerfully
  • rabid
  • robustly
  • rough
  • sharply
  • strongly
  • sturdily
  • turbulent
  • vehemently
  • vicious
  • vigorously
  • violent
  • violently
  • volcanic

Antonyms for hammer and tongs

  • calm
  • delicately
  • faintly
  • feebly
  • gently
  • nonviolent
  • peaceable
  • peaceful
  • softly
  • tranquil
  • weakly

Meanings of hammer and tongs

  • adverb
    1. In a manner indicating seriousness of intent and capability of harm.

Example Sentences

  • The two rivals went at each other hammer and tongs in the debate, each fiercely defending their position.
  • The chefs worked hammer and tongs in the kitchen to prepare the elaborate feast for the wedding reception.
  • Despite the odds, the underdog team fought hammer and tongs until the very end of the game.
  • The workers went at the project hammer and tongs, determined to meet the deadline despite the challenges.
  • The siblings argued hammer and tongs over who should get the last slice of cake, neither willing to back down.

On this page you'll find 33 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to hammer and tongs, such as: calm, delicately, dynamically, faintly, feebly, ferocious, fierce.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Word List