
The word “hampering” has 3 syllables: ham-per-ing.

It's pronounced as /ˈhæmpərɪŋ/.

What is synonym and antonym for hampering?

In the thesaurus, “hampering” has 18 synonyms and 9 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for hampering along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for hampering

  • blocking
  • conflict
  • constraint
  • curb
  • embarrassing
  • frustrating
  • handicapping
  • hindering
  • impeding
  • intervention
  • intrusion
  • limit
  • limitation
  • obstructing
  • obstruction
  • restraint
  • restriction
  • tampering

Antonyms for hampering

  • aiding
  • assisting
  • detaching
  • disengaging
  • facilitating
  • helping
  • opening
  • parting
  • separation

Meanings of hampering

  • verb
    1. To put into a hamper.
    2. To put a hamper or fetter on; to shackle.
    3. To impede in motion or progress.
  • noun
    1. That which hampers; an impediment.

Example Sentences

  • The adverse weather conditions were hampering the rescue efforts.
  • Budget cuts were hampering the school's ability to provide necessary resources for students.
  • Ongoing construction work in the area was hampering traffic flow.
  • The lack of access to clean water was hampering efforts to improve public health.
  • Technical issues with the software were hampering productivity in the office.

On this page you'll find 27 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to hampering, such as: aiding, assisting, blocking, conflict, constraint, curb, detaching.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • balking
  • barring
  • bewildering
  • checkmate
  • confounding
  • confused
  • confusing
  • crossing
  • debarment
  • determent
  • deterrence
  • disjointed
  • disorganized
  • enigmatic
  • foiling
  • forbidding
  • frustrating
  • frustration
  • hampering
  • incomprehensible
  • muddled
  • mystifying
  • negation
  • neutralization
  • nullification
  • perplexing
  • puzzling
  • thwarting
  • unfathomable
  • unorganized


  • baffling
  • blocking
  • crossing
  • debarment
  • deterrence
  • forbidding
  • frustrating
  • frustration
  • hampering
  • negating
  • opposing
  • stopping
  • thwarting


  • blocking
  • constricting
  • contracting
  • contraction
  • hampering
  • hindering
  • impeding
  • lessening
  • limiting
  • obstructing
  • restricting
  • tightening


  • blocking
  • embarrassing
  • hampering
  • hindering
  • impeding

Word List