
The word “handling” has 2 syllables: hand-ling.

It's pronounced as /ˈhændlɪŋ/.

What is synonym and antonym for handling?

In the thesaurus, “handling” has 33 synonyms and 19 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for handling along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for handling

  • absorbing
  • accepting
  • addressing
  • administration
  • bearing
  • conducting
  • control
  • controlling
  • direction
  • enduring
  • governance
  • governing
  • government
  • management
  • managing
  • manipulating
  • negotiating
  • operating
  • operation
  • overseeing
  • oversight
  • regulating
  • running
  • serving
  • standing
  • stewardship
  • supervising
  • supervision
  • sustaining
  • taking
  • tolerating
  • treating
  • using

Antonyms for handling

  • avoiding
  • botching
  • bungling
  • combating
  • combatting
  • contesting
  • declining
  • dismissing
  • fighting
  • fumbling
  • mishandling
  • missing
  • muffing
  • opposing
  • refusing
  • rejecting
  • repudiating
  • resisting
  • turning down

Meanings of handling

  • noun
    1. A touching, controlling, managing, using, take care of, etc., with the hand or hands, or as with the hands.
    2. The mode of using the pencil or brush; style of touch.
    3. A criminal offence, the trade in stolen goods.
  • verb
    1. To touch; to feel or hold with the hand(s).
    2. To accustom to the hand; to take care of with the hands.
    3. To manage, use, or wield with the hands.
    4. To manage, control, or direct.
    5. To treat, to deal with (in a specified way).
    6. To deal with (a subject, argument, topic, or theme) in speaking, in writing, or in art.
    7. To receive and transfer; to have pass through one's hands; hence, to buy and sell.
    8. To be concerned with; to be an expert in.
    9. To put up with; to endure (and continue to function).
    10. To use the hands.
    11. To illegally touch the ball with the hand or arm; to commit handball.
    12. To behave in a particular way when handled (managed, controlled, directed).

Example Sentences

  • The manager praised her for handling the difficult customer with such professionalism.
  • He received training on handling hazardous materials safely.
  • The new software improved the efficiency of handling customer inquiries.
  • She demonstrated excellent skills in handling multiple projects simultaneously.
  • Proper handling of the equipment is crucial to ensure it functions correctly.

On this page you'll find 52 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to handling, such as: absorbing, accepting, addressing, administration, avoiding, bearing, botching.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • accepting
  • continuing
  • dwelling
  • enduring
  • eternal
  • everlasting
  • handling
  • immortal
  • lasting
  • living
  • ongoing
  • perennial
  • perpetual
  • persistent
  • persisting
  • remaining
  • residing
  • standing
  • staying
  • steadfast
  • taking
  • tolerating
  • waiting


  • accepting
  • arresting
  • assimilating
  • bearing
  • burning
  • captivating
  • consuming
  • depleting
  • draining
  • drinking
  • enduring
  • engaging
  • engrossing
  • enthralling
  • exhausting
  • fascinating
  • gripping
  • handling
  • immersing
  • incorporating
  • integrating
  • interesting
  • intriguing
  • involving
  • occupying
  • reducing
  • riveting
  • sipping
  • spellbinding
  • spending
  • standing
  • sustaining
  • swallowing
  • taking
  • tolerating


  • acceptance
  • acknowledgment
  • admiring
  • admission
  • affirmation
  • appreciative
  • approval
  • approving
  • assuming
  • authorization
  • bearing
  • belief
  • believing
  • commendatory
  • compliance
  • complimentary
  • confident
  • consent
  • convinced
  • cooperation
  • corroboration
  • cynical
  • depressing
  • embracing
  • endorsement
  • enduring
  • evidence
  • expectation
  • favorable
  • favoring
  • flattering
  • friendly
  • green light
  • guess
  • handling
  • having
  • hunch
  • hypothesis
  • inference
  • lenient
  • magnanimous
  • merciful
  • okay
  • passage
  • permission
  • pessimistic
  • positive
  • premise
  • presumption
  • proof
  • recognition
  • resigned
  • secure
  • shouldering
  • standing
  • supporting
  • supportive
  • supposition
  • suspicion
  • taking
  • testimony
  • theory
  • tolerating
  • trusting
  • undertaking
  • unquestioning
  • unsuspecting
  • verification
  • warm
  • yes


  • achievement
  • activity
  • affair
  • approach
  • attainment
  • attempt
  • bargain
  • bargaining
  • business
  • change
  • circulation
  • commerce
  • communication
  • conduct
  • contract
  • coup
  • deal
  • delivery
  • disposal
  • dissemination
  • doing
  • economics
  • employment
  • endeavor
  • enterprise
  • event
  • exchange
  • exploit
  • handling
  • industry
  • management
  • market
  • marketing
  • method
  • negotiating
  • negotiation
  • network
  • operation
  • pass
  • piracy
  • practice
  • procedure
  • proceeding
  • process
  • retailing
  • selling
  • sharing
  • smuggling
  • strategy
  • success
  • swap
  • trade
  • trading
  • traffic
  • trafficking
  • transaction
  • transfer
  • transport
  • transportation
  • triumph
  • trouble
  • truck
  • try
  • undertaking
  • while
  • work


  • accident
  • assault
  • avarice
  • blasphemy
  • blow
  • bruise
  • casualty
  • catastrophe
  • contamination
  • contempt
  • contraction
  • contrition
  • corruption
  • corruptness
  • crime
  • criminality
  • cut
  • cutback
  • decline
  • degradation
  • depreciation
  • desecration
  • destruction
  • deterioration
  • devaluation
  • devastation
  • discount
  • dishonor
  • disintegration
  • dislocation
  • disrespect
  • dissoluteness
  • disturbance
  • downturn
  • exploitation
  • greed
  • hardship
  • harm
  • humiliation
  • ignominy
  • illness
  • impairment
  • infamy
  • injustice
  • invasion
  • malice
  • misappropriation
  • misconduct
  • misdeed
  • mishandling
  • mistreatment
  • misuse
  • offense
  • opprobrium
  • penance
  • pollution
  • prostitution
  • rebate
  • repentance
  • reproach
  • scorn
  • slump
  • stigma
  • suffering
  • wickedness
  • worsening
  • wound
  • wrongdoing

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