
The word “idioms” has 3 syllables: id-i-oms

It's pronounced as /ˈɪdiəmz/

What is synonym and antonym for idioms?

In the thesaurus, “idioms” has 8 synonyms.

Here are synonyms for idioms along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for idioms

Meanings of idioms

  • noun
    1. A manner of speaking, a mode of expression peculiar to a language, person, or group of people.
    2. A language or language variety; specifically, a restricted dialect used in a given historical period, context etc.
    3. An established expression whose meaning is not deducible from the literal meanings of its component words, often peculiar to a given language.
    4. An artistic style (for example, in art, architecture, or music); an instance of such a style.
    5. A programming construct or phraseology that is characteristic of the language.

Example Sentences

  • Language learners often struggle with understanding the nuances of idioms in English.
  • His speech was peppered with colorful idioms that reflected his cultural background.
  • Exploring the origins of idioms can provide fascinating insights into a society's history and traditions.
  • Writers often use idioms to convey complex ideas in a succinct and vivid manner.
  • Interpreting idioms requires more than just literal translation, it demands an understanding of cultural context.

On this page you'll find 8 synonyms or another words to idioms, such as: dialect, jargon, locution, parlance, patois, phrase, phrases.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words






  • dialects
  • dictions
  • formulations
  • idioms
  • slangs
  • terminologies
  • tongues
  • vocabularies
  • wordings

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