
The word “idled” has 2 syllables: i-dled.

It's pronounced as /ˈaɪdld/.

What is synonym and antonym for idled?

In the thesaurus, “idled” has 78 synonyms and 28 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for idled along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for idled

  • amble
  • breathe
  • brood
  • bummed
  • chilled
  • clog
  • consume
  • dallied
  • dawdle
  • dawdled
  • decrease
  • devote
  • diminish
  • dissipate
  • drag
  • drift
  • droned
  • employ
  • fail
  • fall off
  • falter
  • fester
  • go
  • hibernate
  • idle
  • kicked back
  • kill
  • killed time
  • languish
  • lavish
  • laze
  • lazed
  • lazied
  • lean
  • lie down
  • linger
  • lingered
  • loafed
  • lock up
  • loiter
  • loll
  • lolled
  • lounge
  • lounged
  • misspend
  • mosey
  • played
  • poked
  • procrastinate
  • put in
  • ramble
  • recline
  • relax
  • relaxed
  • remain
  • rested
  • restrain
  • saunter
  • shackle
  • sit down
  • slacken
  • slouch
  • slow
  • sprawl
  • squander
  • stall
  • stand still
  • stay
  • stick around
  • stretch out
  • strolled
  • sulk
  • tie up
  • trail
  • traipse
  • wait
  • wane
  • waste

Antonyms for idled

  • applied
  • build
  • create
  • forge
  • forward
  • free
  • go
  • ground
  • hoard
  • humped
  • hurry
  • hustled
  • labored
  • leave
  • misuse
  • pegged
  • plodded
  • plowed
  • plugged
  • run
  • rush
  • save
  • slaved
  • straighten
  • sweated
  • toiled
  • worked
  • wrought

Meanings of idled

  • verb
    1. To spend in idleness; to waste; to consume.
    2. To lose or spend time doing nothing, or without being employed in business.
    3. Of an engine: to run at a slow speed, or out of gear; to tick over.

Example Sentences

  • The car engine idled quietly while we waited for our friend to come out of the store.
  • Despite the urgency of the task, the workers idled around, chatting and procrastinating.
  • The factory workers were sent home early as the machinery remained idled due to a power outage.
  • Sarah's mind often idled when she was waiting for inspiration to strike.
  • The ship idled in the harbor, awaiting clearance to dock and unload its cargo.

On this page you'll find 106 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to idled, such as: amble, applied, breathe, brood, build, bummed, chilled.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • bummed
  • chilled
  • crawled
  • dawdled
  • delayed
  • dragged
  • droned
  • flirted
  • idled
  • lazed
  • lazied
  • lingered
  • loafed
  • lolled
  • lounged
  • played
  • poked
  • relaxed
  • rested
  • strolled
  • toyed


  • bummed
  • chilled
  • crawled
  • dallied
  • delayed
  • dragged
  • droned
  • idled
  • kicked back
  • laze
  • lazed
  • lazied
  • lingered
  • loafed
  • loiter
  • lolled
  • lounged
  • mosey
  • played
  • poked
  • procrastinate
  • relaxed
  • rested
  • saunter
  • strolled


  • blustering
  • carrying on
  • excessive
  • flagrant
  • foaming
  • fulminating
  • growing
  • prevalent
  • raging
  • ranting
  • raving
  • rife
  • runaway
  • smoldering
  • smouldering
  • spreading
  • steaming
  • taking on
  • unbridled
  • unchecked
  • uncontrollable
  • unhindered
  • unrestrained
  • wanton


  • dense
  • excessive
  • flagrant
  • growing
  • lush
  • luxuriant
  • prevalent
  • prosperous
  • raging
  • raw
  • rife
  • runaway
  • spreading
  • thick
  • unbridled
  • unchecked
  • uncontrollable
  • uncontrolled
  • unhindered
  • unrestrained
  • wanton
  • weedy


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