
The word “ignited” has 3 syllables: ig-nit-ed.

It's pronounced as /ɪɡˈnaɪtɪd/.

What is synonym and antonym for ignited?

In the thesaurus, “ignited” has 28 synonyms and 22 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for ignited along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for ignited

  • afire
  • aflame
  • blazing
  • burned
  • burning
  • burnt
  • combustible
  • excitable
  • fierce
  • fiery
  • flaming
  • flickering
  • gleaming
  • glowing
  • heated
  • hot
  • impassioned
  • intense
  • kindled
  • lighted
  • lit
  • red-hot
  • scorching
  • searing
  • smoldering
  • spirited
  • vehement
  • violent

Antonyms for ignited

  • apathetic
  • calm
  • choked
  • cold
  • cool
  • damped
  • dead
  • doused
  • dull
  • extinguished
  • gentle
  • indifferent
  • mild
  • moderate
  • passive
  • peaceful
  • put out
  • quenched
  • smothered
  • suffocated
  • unexcited
  • unhappy

Meanings of ignited

  • verb
    1. To set fire to (something), to light (something).
    2. To spark off (something), to trigger.
    3. To commence burning.
    4. To subject to the action of intense heat; to heat strongly; often said of incombustible or infusible substances.

Example Sentences

  • The spark finally ignited the dry leaves, setting the forest ablaze.
  • His passionate speech ignited a fervor among the crowd, inspiring them to take action.
  • The artist's bold use of color ignited a sensation of awe in the viewers.
  • The dispute over the territory quickly ignited into a full-scale conflict between the two nations.
  • The discovery of the ancient artifact ignited a renewed interest in archaeology among scholars worldwide.

On this page you'll find 50 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to ignited, such as: afire, aflame, apathetic, blazing, burned, burning, burnt.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • bone-dry
  • cremated
  • dehydrated
  • dried
  • drunk
  • fried
  • ignited
  • incinerated
  • inflamed
  • intoxicated
  • kindled
  • lighted
  • lit
  • looped
  • melted
  • parched
  • scorched
  • stewed
  • stoned
  • sunbaked
  • wasted

Word List