
The word “ignominy” has 4 syllables: ig-no-mi-ny.

It's pronounced as /ˈɪɡnəˌmɪni/.

What is synonym and antonym for ignominy?

In the thesaurus, “ignominy” has 3 synonyms and 5 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for ignominy along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for ignominy

  • disgrace
  • humiliation
  • shame

Antonyms for ignominy

  • esteem
  • fear
  • honor
  • regard
  • respect

Meanings of ignominy

  • noun
    1. Great dishonor, shame, or humiliation.

Example Sentences

  • The disgraced leader faced the ignominy of public condemnation.
  • She couldn't bear the thought of enduring such ignominy in front of her peers.
  • The once-proud family now faced the ignominy of poverty and debt.
  • His actions brought ignominy upon his family name, tarnishing their reputation.
  • History remembers the ignominy suffered by those who were unjustly persecuted.

On this page you'll find 8 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to ignominy, such as: disgrace, esteem, fear, honor, humiliation, regard, respect.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • accident
  • assault
  • avarice
  • blasphemy
  • blow
  • bruise
  • casualty
  • catastrophe
  • contamination
  • contempt
  • contraction
  • contrition
  • corruption
  • corruptness
  • crime
  • criminality
  • cut
  • cutback
  • decline
  • degradation
  • depreciation
  • desecration
  • destruction
  • deterioration
  • devaluation
  • devastation
  • discount
  • dishonor
  • disintegration
  • dislocation
  • disrespect
  • dissoluteness
  • disturbance
  • downturn
  • exploitation
  • greed
  • hardship
  • harm
  • humiliation
  • ignominy
  • illness
  • impairment
  • infamy
  • injustice
  • invasion
  • malice
  • misappropriation
  • misconduct
  • misdeed
  • mishandling
  • mistreatment
  • misuse
  • offense
  • opprobrium
  • penance
  • pollution
  • prostitution
  • rebate
  • repentance
  • reproach
  • scorn
  • slump
  • stigma
  • suffering
  • wickedness
  • worsening
  • wound
  • wrongdoing


  • abasement
  • barbaric
  • brazen
  • contempt
  • corrupting
  • debasement
  • debauching
  • degradation
  • degrading
  • demeaning
  • destroying
  • deteriorating
  • diluting
  • discrediting
  • disgraceful
  • dishonor
  • disrespect
  • dust
  • egregious
  • flagrant
  • heinous
  • horrendous
  • horrible
  • humbling
  • humiliating
  • humiliation
  • ignominy
  • indecorous
  • infamy
  • inhuman
  • mortifying
  • opprobrium
  • perverted
  • perverting
  • poisoning
  • profane
  • reproach
  • scandalous
  • scorn
  • scurrilous
  • shocking
  • stigma
  • subverting
  • unbecoming
  • violent
  • wanton
  • weakening
  • wicked


  • abuse
  • contempt
  • criticism
  • disgrace
  • humiliation
  • ignominy
  • infamy
  • insult
  • invective
  • odium
  • opprobrium
  • shame
  • vituperation

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