
The word “imagine” has 3 syllables: i-ma-gine.

It's pronounced as /ɪˈmædʒɪn/.

What is synonym and antonym for imagine?

In the thesaurus, “imagine” has 9 synonyms and 7 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for imagine along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for imagine

  • assume
  • believe
  • consider
  • envision
  • guess
  • picture
  • see
  • suppose
  • think

Antonyms for imagine

  • demonstrate
  • determine
  • doubt
  • establish
  • prove
  • question
  • suspect

Meanings of imagine

  • noun
    1. A short fanfic or prompt placing a reader insert in a novel scenario with a character or celebrity.
  • verb
    1. To form a mental image of something; to envision or create something in one's mind.
    2. To believe in something created by one's own mind.
    3. To assume.
    4. To conjecture or guess.
    5. To use one's imagination.
    6. To contrive in purpose; to scheme; to devise.

Example Sentences

  • Imagine a world where kindness reigns supreme, and empathy guides our every action.
  • Can you imagine the possibilities if we were to harness renewable energy on a global scale?
  • Imagine waking up to the serene sounds of nature, far away from the chaos of the city.
  • It's hard to imagine life without the internet, considering how integral it has become to our daily routines.
  • Imagine the impact we could make if everyone came together to tackle climate change with urgency and determination.

On this page you'll find 16 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to imagine, such as: assume, believe, consider, demonstrate, determine, doubt, envision.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words



  • conceived
  • dreamed
  • dreamt
  • envisaged
  • envisioned
  • fancied
  • fantasize
  • fantasized
  • hallucinate
  • imagined
  • pipe dream
  • reverie
  • visualized



  • abnormal
  • abstract
  • allegorical
  • apocryphal
  • assembled
  • assumed
  • baseless
  • bizarre
  • bogus
  • built
  • chimeric
  • chimerical
  • completed
  • concocted
  • constructed
  • contrived
  • counterfeit
  • created
  • deceptive
  • designed
  • devised
  • distorted
  • excessive
  • extravagant
  • fabled
  • fabulous
  • false
  • fanciful
  • fantastical
  • farfetched
  • fictional
  • fictitious
  • forged
  • fraudulent
  • gratuitous
  • groundless
  • hollow
  • hyperbolic
  • illogical
  • imaginary
  • imagined
  • incredible
  • inflated
  • invented
  • legendary
  • lied
  • made
  • made-up
  • magnified
  • make believe
  • manufactured
  • mass-produced
  • melodramatic
  • misleading
  • mock
  • mythic
  • mythical
  • odd
  • outlandish
  • outrageous
  • overblown
  • overwrought
  • perverse
  • phony
  • preposterous
  • pretentious
  • produced
  • sham
  • shaped
  • simulated
  • spurious
  • stilted
  • storied
  • strange
  • stylized
  • unjustified
  • unproven
  • unreal
  • unrealistic
  • unsubstantiated
  • untrue
  • untruthful
  • unusual
  • unwarranted
  • whimsical
  • wrong


  • alleged
  • apocryphal
  • assumed
  • bogus
  • claimed
  • concocted
  • copied
  • counterfeit
  • counterfeited
  • created
  • devised
  • dodged
  • evaded
  • fabricated
  • fake
  • faked out
  • false
  • fanciful
  • feigned
  • fictional
  • fictitious
  • forged
  • fraudulent
  • imaginary
  • imagined
  • improvised
  • made-up
  • make believe
  • manufactured
  • misleading
  • mythical
  • offhand
  • phoney
  • phony
  • pretended
  • pseudo
  • purported
  • sham
  • simulated
  • specious
  • spontaneous
  • spurious
  • unreal
  • unscripted

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