
The word “imbecile” has 3 syllables: im-be-cile.

It's pronounced as /ˈɪmbəsaɪl/.

What is synonym and antonym for imbecile?

In the thesaurus, “imbecile” has 19 synonyms and 9 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for imbecile along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for imbecile

  • absurd
  • asinine
  • brainless
  • derisive
  • dumb
  • fatuous
  • foolish
  • idiot
  • idiotic
  • inane
  • ludicrous
  • moron
  • moronic
  • nonsensical
  • ridiculous
  • simpleminded
  • stupid
  • unwise
  • witless

Antonyms for imbecile

  • brain
  • earnest
  • genius
  • intellect
  • intellectual
  • sage
  • serious
  • solemn
  • thinker

Meanings of imbecile

  • noun
    1. A person with limited mental capacity who can perform tasks and think only like a young child, in medical circles meaning a person who lacks the capacity to develop beyond the mental age of a normal five to seven-year-old child.
    2. A fool, an idiot.
  • adjective
    1. Destitute of strength, whether of body or mind; feeble; impotent; especially, mentally weak.

Example Sentences

  • The teacher was appalled by the imbecile behavior of some students during class.
  • Making fun of someone's disability is not only cruel but also imbecile.
  • Despite his high position, his decisions were often regarded as imbecile by his colleagues.
  • The politician's imbecile remarks sparked outrage and condemnation from the public.
  • It's important not to underestimate individuals with disabilities or label them as imbecile based on stereotypes.

On this page you'll find 28 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to imbecile, such as: absurd, asinine, brain, brainless, derisive, dumb, earnest.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • bastard
  • blockhead
  • bounce
  • bump
  • clown
  • creep
  • dog
  • dolt
  • dunce
  • fiddle
  • fidget
  • fling
  • flop
  • fool
  • hurtle
  • idiot
  • imbecile
  • joker
  • jolt
  • lug
  • lurch
  • pull
  • shake
  • shudder
  • skunk
  • snatch
  • squirm
  • thrust
  • toss
  • tug
  • twist
  • twitch
  • vibrate
  • wiggle
  • wrench
  • wriggle
  • wring
  • yank


  • blockhead
  • bounce
  • bump
  • dolt
  • dunce
  • fidgeted
  • fling
  • flop
  • fool
  • hurtle
  • idiot
  • imbecile
  • jolt
  • lug
  • lurched
  • pulled
  • quivered
  • shook
  • shuddered
  • snatch
  • squirmed
  • thrust
  • tossed
  • tug
  • twisted
  • twitch
  • twitched
  • vibrated
  • wiggle
  • wiggled
  • wrench
  • wriggle
  • wring
  • yank
  • yanked


  • blockhead
  • bounce
  • bump
  • dolt
  • dunce
  • fidgeting
  • fling
  • flop
  • fool
  • hurtle
  • idiot
  • imbecile
  • jolt
  • lug
  • lurching
  • pulling
  • quivering
  • shaking
  • shuddering
  • snatch
  • squirming
  • thrust
  • tossing
  • tug
  • tugging
  • twisting
  • twitch
  • twitching
  • vibrating
  • wiggle
  • wrench
  • wriggle
  • wring
  • yank
  • yanking


  • bastards
  • blockhead
  • bounce
  • bump
  • clowns
  • creeps
  • dogs
  • dolt
  • dunce
  • fiddles
  • fidgets
  • fling
  • flop
  • fool
  • hurtle
  • idiot
  • idiots
  • imbecile
  • jolt
  • lug
  • lurches
  • morons
  • pulls
  • quivers
  • shakes
  • shudders
  • skunk
  • skunks
  • snatch
  • squirms
  • thrust
  • tosses
  • tug
  • tugs
  • twists
  • twitch
  • twitches
  • vibrates
  • wiggle
  • wiggles
  • wrench
  • wriggle
  • wring
  • yank
  • yanks


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