
The word “imitator” has 4 syllables: im-i-ta-tor.

It's pronounced as /ˈɪmɪˌteɪtər/.

What is synonym and antonym for imitator?

In the thesaurus, “imitator” has 11 synonyms.

Here are synonyms for imitator along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for imitator

  • actor
  • copycat
  • echo
  • entertainer
  • follower
  • impersonator
  • impressionist
  • mimic
  • performer
  • personator
  • wannabe

Meanings of imitator

  • noun
    1. One who imitates or apes another.

Example Sentences

  • The imitator was so convincing that many people thought he was the real celebrity.
  • She was recognized as an excellent imitator of classic jazz singers.
  • An imitator often struggles to capture the true essence of the original artist.
  • The comedian was a skilled imitator, able to mimic a wide range of voices and accents.
  • As an imitator of historical figures, he brought past personalities to life for educational events.

On this page you'll find 11 synonyms or another words to imitator, such as: actor, copycat, echo, entertainer, follower, impersonator, impressionist.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • follower
  • ghost
  • imitation
  • imitator
  • mirror
  • parallel
  • quote
  • recall
  • reflect
  • reflection
  • reiterate
  • relic
  • reminder
  • remnant
  • repeat
  • repetition
  • resonate
  • resound
  • respond
  • reverberate
  • reverberation
  • ring
  • rubber stamp
  • shadow
  • sound
  • trace
  • vestige





  • applicant
  • budding
  • candidate
  • contestant
  • enterprising
  • follower
  • imitator
  • parrot
  • potential
  • prospective

Word List