
The word “immodest” has 3 syllables: im-mod-est.

It's pronounced as /ɪmˈmɒdɪst/.

What is synonym and antonym for immodest?

In the thesaurus, “immodest” has 6 synonyms and 3 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for immodest along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for immodest

  • arrogant
  • familiar
  • presumptuous
  • proud
  • selfish
  • smug

Antonyms for immodest

Meanings of immodest

  • adjective
    1. Without customary restraint or modesty of expression; shameless.

Example Sentences

  • Her immodest remarks during the meeting were considered inappropriate.The immodest display of wealth at the party drew criticism from many guests.
  • He was known for his immodest behavior, often boasting about his achievements.
  • The book's immodest descriptions were deemed controversial by some readers.
  • She faced backlash for her immodest choice of attire at the formal event.

On this page you'll find 9 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to immodest, such as: arrogant, familiar, humble, modest, presumptuous, proud, selfish.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • buffoonery
  • coarseness
  • crudeness
  • devilishness
  • devilment
  • devilry
  • deviltry
  • friskiness
  • immodesty
  • impishness
  • imprudence
  • indiscretion
  • misbehavior
  • mischief
  • mischievousness
  • misconduct
  • playfulness
  • rascality
  • roguery
  • roguishness
  • troublemaking
  • vulgarity
  • wickedness

Word List