
The word “immodesty” has 4 syllables: im-mod-es-ty.

It's pronounced as /ɪmˈmɒdɪsti/.

What is synonym and antonym for immodesty?

In the thesaurus, “immodesty” has 11 synonyms and 18 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for immodesty along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for immodesty

  • boldness
  • brashness
  • coarseness
  • crudeness
  • extraversion
  • extroversion
  • forwardness
  • imprudence
  • indiscretion
  • naughtiness
  • vulgarity

Antonyms for immodesty

  • appropriateness
  • bashfulness
  • correctness
  • coyness
  • decency
  • decorum
  • diffidence
  • discretion
  • fitness
  • modesty
  • propriety
  • prudence
  • rightness
  • seemliness
  • shyness
  • suitability
  • timidity
  • unsociability

Meanings of immodesty

  • noun
    1. The state of being immodest; a lack of modesty.

Example Sentences

  • The immodesty of his claims made it difficult for others to take him seriously.Her immodesty in flaunting her wealth at the party drew criticism from many attendees.
  • The critic wrote about the book's immodesty in its portrayal of sensitive topics.
  • The immodesty of the advertisement was deemed offensive by some viewers.
  • His immodesty in discussing his achievements was seen as a lack of humility.

On this page you'll find 29 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to immodesty, such as: appropriateness, bashfulness, boldness, brashness, coarseness, correctness, coyness.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • buffoonery
  • coarseness
  • crudeness
  • devilishness
  • devilment
  • devilry
  • deviltry
  • friskiness
  • immodesty
  • impishness
  • imprudence
  • indiscretion
  • misbehavior
  • mischief
  • mischievousness
  • misconduct
  • playfulness
  • rascality
  • roguery
  • roguishness
  • troublemaking
  • vulgarity
  • wickedness

Word List