
The word “job” has 1 syllable: job.

It's pronounced as /dʒɒb/.

What is synonym and antonym for job?

In the thesaurus, “job” has 42 synonyms and 22 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for job along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for job

  • action
  • activity
  • appointment
  • apprentice
  • assignment
  • business
  • care
  • career
  • contract
  • duty
  • effort
  • employ
  • employment
  • fee
  • function
  • headache
  • hire
  • killer
  • labor
  • mission
  • office
  • operation
  • part
  • partner
  • pay
  • place
  • position
  • post
  • profession
  • project
  • purpose
  • recruit
  • responsibility
  • role
  • situation
  • spot
  • stint
  • subcontract
  • task
  • thing
  • trade
  • work

Antonyms for job

  • avocation
  • axe
  • breeze
  • can
  • cinch
  • disregard
  • duck soup
  • entertainment
  • fun
  • idleness
  • inaction
  • inactivity
  • irresponsibility
  • kid stuff
  • lay off
  • lock out
  • pastime
  • recreation
  • sack
  • setup
  • snap
  • unemployment

Meanings of job

  • noun
    1. A task.
    2. An economic role for which a person is paid.
    3. (in noun compounds) Plastic surgery.
    4. A task, or series of tasks, carried out in batch mode (especially on a mainframe computer).
    5. A sudden thrust or stab; a jab.
    6. A public transaction done for private profit; something performed ostensibly as a part of official duty, but really for private gain; a corrupt official business.
    7. Any affair or event which affects one, whether fortunately or unfortunately.
    8. A thing (often used in a vague way to refer to something whose name one cannot recall).
  • verb
    1. To do odd jobs or occasional work for hire.
    2. To work as a jobber.
    3. To take the loss.
    4. To buy and sell for profit, as securities; to speculate in.
    5. (often with out) To subcontract a project or delivery in small portions to a number of contractors.
    6. To seek private gain under pretence of public service; to turn public matters to private advantage.
    7. To strike or stab with a pointed instrument.
    8. To thrust in, as a pointed instrument.
    9. To hire or let in periods of service.

Example Sentences

  • She landed her dream job after years of hard work and perseverance.
  • Despite the challenges, he tackled each job with determination and skill.
  • His job requires him to travel frequently, exploring new places and cultures.
  • Finding a balance between her job and personal life was always a priority for Sarah.
  • The team collaborated effectively to complete the job ahead of schedule, earning praise from their supervisor.

On this page you'll find 64 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to job, such as: action, activity, appointment, apprentice, assignment, avocation, axe.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

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  • activity
  • childbirth
  • drudgery
  • effort
  • employment
  • endeavor
  • energy
  • exertion
  • fatigue
  • headache
  • industry
  • job
  • laborer
  • pains
  • product
  • production
  • slave
  • slavery
  • strive
  • struggle
  • sweat
  • tend
  • toil
  • work
  • work force
  • worker
  • yield


  • activity
  • childbirths
  • efforts
  • employment
  • endeavors
  • energy
  • exertions
  • fatigues
  • fruits
  • headaches
  • industry
  • job
  • jobs
  • laborer
  • pains
  • pregnancies
  • productions
  • products
  • strive
  • strives
  • struggles
  • sweat
  • sweats
  • tend
  • toil
  • toils
  • work force
  • worker
  • works
  • yields


  • drudge
  • flunkey
  • grub
  • jobber
  • laborer
  • toiler
  • workingman
  • workman


  • aches
  • achievement
  • activity
  • agony
  • anguish
  • attempt
  • attention
  • battle
  • burden
  • business
  • care
  • carefulness
  • charge
  • chore
  • clash
  • combat
  • commission
  • commitment
  • concern
  • conflict
  • conscientiousness
  • contest
  • contract
  • creation
  • difficulty
  • diligence
  • effort
  • employment
  • encounter
  • endeavor
  • energy
  • enterprise
  • exercise
  • exertion
  • fastidiousness
  • force
  • function
  • hardship
  • heed
  • hurts
  • inconvenience
  • industry
  • intention
  • job
  • labor
  • meticulousness
  • need
  • obligation
  • office
  • performance
  • power
  • production
  • push
  • resolution
  • role
  • scrupulousness
  • service
  • skirmish
  • strain
  • strength
  • stress
  • strife
  • struggle
  • sweat
  • task
  • training
  • trial
  • tribulation
  • violence
  • woe
  • work
  • worry

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