
The word “joining” has 2 syllables: join-ing.

It's pronounced as /ˈdʒɔɪ.nɪŋ/.

What is synonym and antonym for joining?

In the thesaurus, “joining” has 20 synonyms and 38 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for joining along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for joining

  • adjacent
  • adjoining
  • collaborating
  • combining
  • connecting
  • cooperating
  • coupling
  • entering
  • flanking
  • fusing
  • integrating
  • intersection
  • join
  • junction
  • linking
  • neighboring
  • rejoining
  • surrounding
  • touching
  • uniting

Antonyms for joining

  • apart
  • breaking up
  • crack
  • demitting
  • detached
  • detaching
  • disconnected
  • disconnecting
  • discrete
  • disjoining
  • dividing
  • dropping out
  • fissure
  • free-standing
  • gap
  • isolate
  • isolated
  • isolating
  • nonadjacent
  • noncontiguous
  • parting
  • quitting
  • removed
  • resolving
  • rift
  • sectioning
  • separate
  • separating
  • separation
  • severing
  • single
  • splitting
  • unattached
  • unconnected
  • uncoupling
  • unhitching
  • unlinked
  • withdrawing

Meanings of joining

  • verb
    1. To connect or combine into one; to put together.
    2. To come together; to meet.
    3. To come into the company of.
    4. To become a member of.
    5. To produce an intersection of data in two or more database tables.
    6. To unite in marriage.
    7. To enjoin upon; to command.
    8. To accept, or engage in, as a contest.
  • noun
    1. The act or result of joining; a joint or juncture.

Example Sentences

  • She is excited about joining the new book club this month.
  • They are considering joining forces to tackle the project together.
  • After joining the team, he quickly adapted to the new role.
  • The company is joining a partnership with a major tech firm.
  • Are you interested in joining us for the upcoming workshop?

On this page you'll find 58 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to joining, such as: adjacent, adjoining, apart, breaking up, collaborating, combining, connecting.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • adjacent
  • adjoining
  • flanking
  • joining
  • neighboring
  • surrounding

falling in with

  • abiding by
  • accommodate
  • agreeing
  • associating
  • attune
  • bear
  • being friends with
  • bonding
  • bump into
  • coinciding
  • collaborating
  • come across
  • come upon
  • comply
  • concur
  • conform
  • conforming
  • confront
  • connecting
  • contact
  • cooperate
  • coordinate
  • corresponding
  • detect
  • discover
  • encounter
  • enlist
  • enter
  • experience
  • face
  • find
  • fit
  • follow
  • following
  • greet
  • harmonize
  • hooking up
  • identify
  • integrate
  • joining
  • keeping to
  • locate
  • meet
  • messing around
  • mixing
  • notice
  • obeying
  • reconcile
  • recover
  • relating
  • run into
  • running
  • see
  • side with
  • spot
  • strike
  • suffer
  • tailor
  • taking up with
  • traveling
  • travelling
  • turn up
  • uncover
  • unearth
  • yield


  • affiliating
  • allying
  • attaching
  • banding
  • bonding
  • clubbing
  • collaborating
  • colluding
  • confederating
  • conjoining
  • connecting
  • cooperating
  • coupling
  • getting along
  • grouping
  • interrelating
  • joining
  • knotting
  • linking
  • mingling
  • mixing
  • rallying
  • relating
  • siding
  • socializing
  • teaming
  • tieing
  • tying
  • wedding


  • accumulating
  • accumulation
  • amassing
  • assemblage
  • assembling
  • assembly
  • association
  • brewing
  • caucus
  • collecting
  • collection
  • coming
  • conclave
  • conference
  • congregation
  • convening
  • convention
  • converging
  • crowd
  • deciding
  • deriving
  • forthcoming
  • function
  • future
  • gaining
  • group
  • grouping
  • harvesting
  • joining
  • jumble
  • mass
  • meeting
  • mixture
  • nearing
  • party
  • picking
  • pile
  • possible
  • rendezvousing
  • summoning
  • throng
  • understanding
  • upcoming


  • adjoin
  • collaborate
  • combine
  • connect
  • cooperate
  • couple
  • enter
  • flank
  • integrate
  • intersection
  • joining
  • junction
  • link
  • meet
  • neighbor
  • rejoin
  • surround
  • touch
  • unite

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