
The word “jouncing” has 2 syllables: joun-cing

It's pronounced as /ˈdʒaʊnsɪŋ/

What is synonym and antonym for jouncing?

In the thesaurus, “jouncing” has 8 synonyms.

Here are synonyms for jouncing along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for jouncing

Meanings of jouncing

  • verb
    1. To jolt; to shake, especially by rough riding or by driving over obstructions.
  • noun
    1. A motion that jounces.

Example Sentences

  • The car was jouncing over the rough terrain as we tried to navigate through the mountain pass.
  • He couldn't stop jouncing up and down with excitement when he heard the good news.
  • The kids were jouncing on the trampoline, laughing and shouting with joy.
  • She felt the discomfort of jouncing in the back of the truck as they sped down the bumpy road.
  • The old truck was jouncing along the dirt path, making it hard to stay seated.

On this page you'll find 8 synonyms or another words to jouncing, such as: bobbing, jerking, pumping, quivering, shaking, shuddering, trembling.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

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