
The word “kens” has 1 syllable: kens.

It's pronounced as /kɛnz/.

What is synonym and antonym for kens?

In the thesaurus, “kens” has 40 synonyms and 10 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for kens along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for kens

  • addresses
  • ambits
  • amplitudes
  • appreciates
  • apprehends
  • breadths
  • cognizes
  • compasses
  • comprehends
  • confines
  • dexterities
  • dimensions
  • fathoms
  • follows
  • gray matters
  • hands
  • instincts
  • intelligences
  • knows
  • landscapes
  • mights
  • occupations
  • perceives
  • professions
  • prowesses
  • pursuits
  • rackets
  • reaches
  • savvies
  • scopes
  • sights
  • skills
  • subfields
  • sweeps
  • turfs
  • turves
  • understandings
  • understands
  • vocations
  • widths

Antonyms for kens

  • disabilities
  • impotences
  • inabilities
  • incapabilities
  • incapacities
  • misapprehends
  • misconceives
  • misinterprets
  • misunderstands
  • weaknesses

Meanings of kens

  • verb
    1. To give birth, conceive, beget, be born; to develop (as a fetus); to nourish, sustain (as life).
    2. To know, perceive or understand.
    3. To discover by sight; to catch sight of; to descry.
  • noun
    1. (thieves' cant) A house, especially a den of thieves.
    2. A Japanese unit of length equal to six shakus.

Example Sentences

  • His intuition kens the subtle shifts in the atmosphere before a storm.
  • The seasoned detective's keen eye kens the smallest details in a crime scene.
  • She kens the intricacies of human behavior, making her an astute psychologist.
  • The old sailor kens the signs of changing winds by the movement of the clouds.
  • His wisdom kens the true nature of people, discerning sincerity from deceit.

On this page you'll find 50 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to kens, such as: addresses, ambits, amplitudes, appreciates, apprehends, breadths, cognizes.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • corrupts
  • debases
  • debauches
  • degrades
  • demeans
  • depraves
  • destroys
  • deteriorates
  • dilutes
  • discredits
  • disgraces
  • humbles
  • humiliates
  • perverts
  • poisons
  • prostitutes
  • subverts
  • weakens


  • coagulates
  • crystalizes
  • crystallizes
  • gelatinizes
  • ossifies
  • petrifies
  • rigidifies
  • stiffens
  • thickens


  • accident
  • batter
  • blow
  • break
  • bruise
  • bruises
  • burn
  • casualty
  • catastrophe
  • compensation
  • compromises
  • contaminate
  • contamination
  • corruption
  • cripples
  • destruction
  • deterioration
  • devastation
  • disturbance
  • fine
  • forfeiture
  • hardship
  • harm
  • harms
  • hurt
  • hurts
  • illness
  • impair
  • impairment
  • impairs
  • infect
  • injure
  • injures
  • maim
  • mangle
  • mar
  • mars
  • penalty
  • pollute
  • pollution
  • ravage
  • reparation
  • ruin
  • scorch
  • smash
  • spoils
  • suffering
  • tarnish
  • tear
  • undermine
  • weaken
  • weakens
  • wound
  • wounds
  • wreck


  • allay
  • bedews
  • blunts
  • chill
  • cloud
  • cool
  • curb
  • damps
  • deadens
  • depress
  • diminish
  • diminishes
  • discourage
  • drains
  • dull
  • dulls
  • exhausts
  • flushes
  • inhibit
  • moderate
  • moistens
  • mute
  • numbs
  • reduces
  • restrain
  • rinses
  • stifle
  • undermines
  • weakens
  • wears
  • wets


  • absorb
  • afflict
  • avert
  • bathe
  • beat down
  • bedews
  • block
  • blunts
  • bother
  • cloak
  • damp
  • dampen
  • dampens
  • daunt
  • deadens
  • debilitate
  • deject
  • demoralize
  • deter
  • dilute
  • diminishes
  • dip
  • disconcert
  • discourage
  • dishearten
  • dismay
  • disorganize
  • dispirit
  • dissuade
  • disturb
  • douse
  • drains
  • drench
  • drink
  • drown
  • dull
  • dulls
  • embarrass
  • enervates
  • exhausts
  • flood
  • flushes
  • fog
  • forestall
  • frighten
  • hinder
  • hose
  • humble
  • humidity
  • humiliate
  • imbue
  • immerse
  • impede
  • infuse
  • ingrain
  • intimidate
  • inundate
  • irrigate
  • lower
  • marinate
  • mist
  • moisten
  • moistens
  • numbs
  • obstruct
  • penetrate
  • permeate
  • perspiration
  • petrifies
  • precipitation
  • preclude
  • prevent
  • prohibit
  • rain
  • reduce
  • reduces
  • restrain
  • rinse
  • rinses
  • sadden
  • sap
  • saturate
  • scare
  • shroud
  • slow
  • soak
  • soften
  • splash
  • spray
  • sprinkle
  • steep
  • stop
  • submerge
  • subsides
  • suffuse
  • sweat
  • thin
  • trouble
  • undermine
  • undermines
  • unsettle
  • upset
  • veil
  • wash
  • washes
  • water
  • weaken
  • weakens
  • wears
  • weigh down
  • wet
  • wets

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