
The word “ketch” has 1 syllable: ketch.

It's pronounced as /kɛtʃ/.

What is synonym and antonym for ketch?

In the thesaurus, “ketch” has 31 synonyms.

Here are synonyms for ketch along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for ketch

Meanings of ketch

  • noun
    1. A fore-and-aft rigged sailing vessel with two masts, main and mizzen, the mizzen being stepped forward of the rudder post.
    2. A hangman.
  • verb
    1. (heading) To capture, overtake.
    2. (heading) To seize hold of.
    3. (heading) To intercept.
    4. (heading) To receive (by being in the way).
    5. (heading) To take in with one's senses or intellect.
    6. (heading) To seize attention, interest.
    7. (heading) To obtain or experience.
    8. To hang.

Example Sentences

  • The sailors admired the sleek lines of the classic ketch as it sailed into the harbor.
  • The captain and his crew prepared to set sail aboard the sturdy ketch.
  • The ketch gracefully maneuvered through the narrow channel, guided by the skilled hands of the helmsman.
  • During the regatta, the ketch competed against other sailboats in a thrilling race.
  • The maritime museum displayed a beautifully restored antique ketch alongside other historic vessels.

On this page you'll find 31 synonyms or another words to ketch, such as: barge, brigantine, canoe, caravel, catamaran, catboat, clipper.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • account
  • affidavit
  • allegation
  • alphabet
  • amount
  • announcement
  • article
  • assurance
  • authority
  • base
  • basis
  • bedrock
  • bottom line
  • catalog
  • characterization
  • charge
  • clue
  • comment
  • component
  • condition
  • confession
  • cornerstone
  • definition
  • depiction
  • description
  • design
  • detail
  • directory
  • effect
  • element
  • elemental
  • elements
  • essence
  • explanation
  • fact
  • factor
  • foundation
  • fundamental
  • grammar
  • groundwork
  • guidebook
  • handbook
  • history
  • information
  • infrastructure
  • justification
  • key
  • law
  • manual
  • meat
  • must
  • narration
  • narrative
  • part
  • philosophy
  • picture
  • plan
  • portrayal
  • precondition
  • preparation
  • prerequisite
  • presentation
  • principle
  • principles
  • proclamation
  • rationale
  • remark
  • report
  • requirement
  • requisite
  • rudimentary
  • schedule
  • sign
  • significance
  • sketch
  • statement
  • story
  • straightforward
  • strength
  • structure
  • stuff
  • subject
  • summary
  • support
  • syntax
  • tale
  • testimony
  • thing
  • underlying
  • version
  • word


  • abbreviated
  • condensed
  • curtailed
  • decreased
  • deficient
  • diminished
  • fragmentary
  • inadequate
  • insufficient
  • lacking
  • partial
  • pithy
  • pocket-size
  • pocket-sized
  • portable
  • shortened
  • sketchy
  • small
  • succinct
  • terse


  • allied
  • collaborated
  • collude
  • connive
  • conspire
  • cooperate
  • devise
  • ganged up
  • hatch
  • hung together
  • operate
  • sketch
  • tend


  • allying
  • collaborating
  • collude
  • connive
  • conspire
  • cooperate
  • cooperating
  • devise
  • ganging up
  • hanging together
  • hatch
  • leaguing
  • operate
  • organizing
  • sketch
  • tend


  • blacken
  • coat
  • dab
  • deface
  • dirty
  • drawing
  • etching
  • paint
  • portrait
  • sketch
  • smear
  • smudge
  • spatter
  • stain
  • watercolor

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