
The word “kicked” has 1 syllable: kicked.

It's pronounced as /kɪkt/.

What is synonym and antonym for kicked?

In the thesaurus, “kicked” has 17 synonyms and 11 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for kicked along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for kicked

  • blow
  • boot
  • complained
  • curse
  • fun
  • give up
  • jolt
  • moaned
  • muttered
  • objected
  • protested
  • punch
  • punt
  • screamed
  • snap
  • stop
  • whined

Antonyms for kicked

  • accepted
  • agreed
  • approved
  • bore
  • delighted
  • endured
  • followed
  • rejoiced
  • sanctioned
  • tolerated
  • took

Meanings of kicked

  • verb
    1. To strike or hit with the foot or other extremity of the leg.
    2. To make a sharp jerking movement of the leg, as to strike something.
    3. To direct to a particular place by a blow with the foot or leg.
    4. (with "off" or "out") To eject summarily.
    5. To forcibly remove a participant from an online activity.
    6. To overcome (a bothersome or difficult issue or obstacle); to free oneself of (a problem).
    7. To move or push suddenly and violently.
    8. (of a firearm) To recoil; to push by recoiling.
    9. To attack (a piece) in order to force it to move.
    10. To accelerate quickly with a few pedal strokes in an effort to break away from other riders.
    11. To show opposition or resistance.
    12. To work a press by impact of the foot on a treadle.
    13. To die.
  • adjective
    1. (smoking, of a pipe) Empty with nothing left to smoke but ash.

Example Sentences

  • She accidentally kicked the soccer ball into her neighbor's yard.
  • The horse kicked the stable door in frustration.
  • He winced in pain after he kicked the table leg by accident.
  • The referee issued a warning to the player who kicked his opponent during the match.
  • The engine kicked into gear, and the car roared to life.

On this page you'll find 28 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to kicked, such as: accepted, agreed, approved, blow, boot, bore, complained.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • bummed
  • chilled
  • crawled
  • dallied
  • delayed
  • dragged
  • droned
  • idled
  • kicked back
  • laze
  • lazed
  • lazied
  • lingered
  • loafed
  • loiter
  • lolled
  • lounged
  • mosey
  • played
  • poked
  • procrastinate
  • relaxed
  • rested
  • saunter
  • strolled


  • amble
  • breathe
  • brood
  • bummed
  • chilled
  • clog
  • consume
  • dallied
  • dawdle
  • dawdled
  • decrease
  • devote
  • diminish
  • dissipate
  • drag
  • drift
  • droned
  • employ
  • fail
  • fall off
  • falter
  • fester
  • go
  • hibernate
  • idle
  • kicked back
  • kill
  • killed time
  • languish
  • lavish
  • laze
  • lazed
  • lazied
  • lean
  • lie down
  • linger
  • lingered
  • loafed
  • lock up
  • loiter
  • loll
  • lolled
  • lounge
  • lounged
  • misspend
  • mosey
  • played
  • poked
  • procrastinate
  • put in
  • ramble
  • recline
  • relax
  • relaxed
  • remain
  • rested
  • restrain
  • saunter
  • shackle
  • sit down
  • slacken
  • slouch
  • slow
  • sprawl
  • squander
  • stall
  • stand still
  • stay
  • stick around
  • stretch out
  • strolled
  • sulk
  • tie up
  • trail
  • traipse
  • wait
  • wane
  • waste

kicked around

  • abused
  • aim
  • amble
  • answer
  • bicker
  • bullied
  • challenge
  • chewed on
  • chilled
  • conquer
  • consider
  • considered
  • consult
  • contemplate
  • contemplated
  • contend
  • contest
  • contradict
  • dance
  • debated
  • deliberate
  • deny
  • discuss
  • disprove
  • doubt
  • drifted
  • enslave
  • entertained
  • envisage
  • evaluate
  • explored
  • eyed
  • figure out
  • flit
  • float
  • flow
  • flutter
  • fooled around
  • foresee
  • guess
  • hover
  • hung about
  • hypothesize
  • inspect
  • intend
  • interpret
  • investigate
  • kicked back
  • killed time
  • lazied
  • linger
  • looked at
  • mean
  • meander
  • messed around
  • messed over
  • mull over
  • oppose
  • played
  • ponder
  • pondered
  • propose
  • quarrel
  • question
  • questioned
  • read
  • rebut
  • reflect
  • refute
  • relaxed
  • resolve
  • ride
  • roamed
  • ruminate
  • sail
  • scrutinize
  • slide
  • spell out
  • stray
  • stroll
  • strolled
  • studied
  • study
  • surmise
  • test
  • think of
  • tortured
  • vegged out
  • waft
  • wander
  • wandered
  • wash
  • weigh
  • weighed
  • wonder
  • wrangle

kicked back

  • basked
  • bummed
  • chilled
  • dillydallied
  • hanged
  • hung about
  • kicked around
  • killed time
  • lazied
  • lie down
  • lounged
  • played
  • recline
  • relaxed
  • rested
  • sit back
  • take it easy
  • unwind
  • vegged out

kicked up a fuss

  • accuse
  • complained
  • criticize
  • denounce
  • disagree
  • fret
  • gripe
  • grumble
  • kicked
  • lament
  • moan
  • object
  • oppose
  • protest
  • screamed
  • squeal

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