kicked back

The phrase “kicked back” has 2 syllables: kicked back.

It's pronounced as /kɪkt bæk/.

What is synonym and antonym for kicked back?

In the thesaurus, “kicked back” has 19 synonyms and 20 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for kicked back along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for kicked back

  • basked
  • bummed
  • chilled
  • dillydallied
  • hanged
  • hung about
  • kicked around
  • killed time
  • lazied
  • lie down
  • lounged
  • played
  • recline
  • relaxed
  • rested
  • sit back
  • take it easy
  • unwind
  • vegged out

Antonyms for kicked back

  • applied
  • ground
  • humped
  • hustled
  • labored
  • pegged
  • plodded
  • plowed
  • plugged
  • slaved
  • strained
  • strived
  • strove
  • struggled
  • sweat
  • sweated
  • toiled
  • worked
  • worked out
  • wrought

Example Sentences

  • After finishing his work, he kicked back on the couch and relaxed with a good book.
  • The team kicked back at the hotel after a long day of competition.
  • She kicked back in her hammock, enjoying the warm breeze on a lazy afternoon.
  • They kicked back around the campfire, sharing stories under the stars.
  • Once the project was completed, they kicked back and celebrated their success with some drinks.

On this page you'll find 39 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to kicked back, such as: applied, basked, bummed, chilled, dillydallied, ground, hanged.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • bummed
  • chilled
  • crawled
  • dallied
  • delayed
  • dragged
  • droned
  • idled
  • kicked back
  • laze
  • lazed
  • lazied
  • lingered
  • loafed
  • loiter
  • lolled
  • lounged
  • mosey
  • played
  • poked
  • procrastinate
  • relaxed
  • rested
  • saunter
  • strolled


  • amble
  • breathe
  • brood
  • bummed
  • chilled
  • clog
  • consume
  • dallied
  • dawdle
  • dawdled
  • decrease
  • devote
  • diminish
  • dissipate
  • drag
  • drift
  • droned
  • employ
  • fail
  • fall off
  • falter
  • fester
  • go
  • hibernate
  • idle
  • kicked back
  • kill
  • killed time
  • languish
  • lavish
  • laze
  • lazed
  • lazied
  • lean
  • lie down
  • linger
  • lingered
  • loafed
  • lock up
  • loiter
  • loll
  • lolled
  • lounge
  • lounged
  • misspend
  • mosey
  • played
  • poked
  • procrastinate
  • put in
  • ramble
  • recline
  • relax
  • relaxed
  • remain
  • rested
  • restrain
  • saunter
  • shackle
  • sit down
  • slacken
  • slouch
  • slow
  • sprawl
  • squander
  • stall
  • stand still
  • stay
  • stick around
  • stretch out
  • strolled
  • sulk
  • tie up
  • trail
  • traipse
  • wait
  • wane
  • waste

kicked around

  • abused
  • aim
  • amble
  • answer
  • bicker
  • bullied
  • challenge
  • chewed on
  • chilled
  • conquer
  • consider
  • considered
  • consult
  • contemplate
  • contemplated
  • contend
  • contest
  • contradict
  • dance
  • debated
  • deliberate
  • deny
  • discuss
  • disprove
  • doubt
  • drifted
  • enslave
  • entertained
  • envisage
  • evaluate
  • explored
  • eyed
  • figure out
  • flit
  • float
  • flow
  • flutter
  • fooled around
  • foresee
  • guess
  • hover
  • hung about
  • hypothesize
  • inspect
  • intend
  • interpret
  • investigate
  • kicked back
  • killed time
  • lazied
  • linger
  • looked at
  • mean
  • meander
  • messed around
  • messed over
  • mull over
  • oppose
  • played
  • ponder
  • pondered
  • propose
  • quarrel
  • question
  • questioned
  • read
  • rebut
  • reflect
  • refute
  • relaxed
  • resolve
  • ride
  • roamed
  • ruminate
  • sail
  • scrutinize
  • slide
  • spell out
  • stray
  • stroll
  • strolled
  • studied
  • study
  • surmise
  • test
  • think of
  • tortured
  • vegged out
  • waft
  • wander
  • wandered
  • wash
  • weigh
  • weighed
  • wonder
  • wrangle

vegged out

  • chilled
  • dillydallied
  • hung about
  • kicked back
  • killed time
  • lazied

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