kicks around

The phrase “kicks around” has 2 syllables: kicks around.

It's pronounced as /kɪks əˈraʊnd/.

What is synonym and antonym for kicks around?

In the thesaurus, “kicks around” has 98 synonyms and 38 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for kicks around along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for kicks around

  • abuses
  • aim
  • amble
  • answer
  • bicker
  • bullies
  • bums
  • challenge
  • chills
  • conquer
  • consider
  • considers
  • consult
  • contemplate
  • contemplates
  • contend
  • contest
  • contradict
  • cruises
  • dance
  • debates
  • deliberate
  • deny
  • dillydallies
  • discuss
  • disprove
  • doubt
  • drifts
  • enslave
  • entertains
  • envisage
  • evaluate
  • eyes
  • figure out
  • flit
  • float
  • flow
  • flutter
  • fools around
  • footles
  • foresee
  • fribbles
  • guess
  • hangs about
  • hover
  • hypothesize
  • inspect
  • intend
  • interpret
  • investigate
  • kicks back
  • kills time
  • lazes
  • linger
  • looks at
  • lounges
  • mean
  • meander
  • messes around
  • mull over
  • oppose
  • plays
  • ponder
  • ponders
  • propose
  • quarrel
  • question
  • questions
  • read
  • rebut
  • reflect
  • refute
  • resolve
  • rests
  • ride
  • roams
  • ruminate
  • sail
  • scrutinize
  • slide
  • spell out
  • stray
  • stroll
  • strolls
  • studies
  • study
  • surmise
  • takes apart
  • test
  • think of
  • waft
  • wander
  • wanders
  • wash
  • weigh
  • weighs
  • wonder
  • wrangle

Antonyms for kicks around

  • agree
  • allow
  • applies
  • approve
  • cherishes
  • concede
  • corroborate
  • discard
  • disregard
  • disregards
  • forget
  • fosters
  • give in
  • give up
  • go direct
  • grinds
  • grubs
  • humps
  • hustles
  • ignore
  • ignores
  • labors
  • neglect
  • nurtures
  • overlooks
  • pegs
  • plods
  • plows
  • plugs
  • prove
  • reject
  • rejects
  • run
  • slaves
  • stay
  • sweats
  • toils
  • works

Example Sentences

  • As an artist, she often kicks around different mediums before deciding which one best expresses her vision.
  • He often kicks around the idea of starting his own business but hasn't taken any concrete steps yet.
  • The group of friends likes to kicks around different theories about the universe during their late-night conversations.
  • Before making a decision, it's good to kicks around a few options to see which one works best
  • The team needs to kicks around some strategies if they want to win the upcoming match against their rivals.

On this page you'll find 136 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to kicks around, such as: abuses, agree, aim, allow, amble, answer, applies.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words

kicks back

  • basks
  • bums
  • chills
  • dillydallies
  • footles
  • hangs about
  • kicks around
  • kills time
  • lazes
  • lie down
  • loafs
  • lounges
  • plays
  • recline
  • relaxes
  • rests
  • sit back
  • strolls
  • take it easy
  • unwind
  • veges out

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