
The word “lacing” has 2 syllables: la-cing.

It's pronounced as /ˈleɪsɪŋ/.

What is synonym and antonym for lacing?

In the thesaurus, “lacing” has 49 synonyms and 18 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for lacing along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for lacing

  • annihilation
  • attacking
  • battering
  • batting
  • beating
  • blow
  • braid
  • breakdown
  • cable
  • collapse
  • conquest
  • cutting
  • debacle
  • destruction
  • diluting
  • doing
  • drubbing
  • embarrassment
  • failure
  • flavoring
  • hiding
  • hitting
  • inserting
  • killing
  • knocking
  • lace
  • lashing
  • licking
  • loading
  • loss
  • massacre
  • mixing
  • pounding
  • punching
  • rope
  • rout
  • setback
  • slapping
  • spanking
  • spicing
  • thinning
  • thrashing
  • triumph
  • trouncing
  • twisting
  • weakening
  • weaving
  • whipping
  • wire

Antonyms for lacing

  • accomplishment
  • achievement
  • augmenting
  • boon
  • cleaning
  • disentangling
  • enriching
  • fertilizing
  • fortifying
  • improving
  • reinforcing
  • strengthening
  • success
  • supplementing
  • uncoiling
  • untangling
  • unwinding
  • win

Meanings of lacing

  • verb
    1. To fasten (something) with laces.
    2. To add alcohol, poison, a drug or anything else potentially harmful to (food or drink).
    3. To interweave items.
    4. To interweave the spokes of a bicycle wheel.
    5. To beat; to lash; to make stripes on.
    6. To adorn with narrow strips or braids of some decorative material.
  • noun
    1. That with which something is laced.
    2. The tied or threaded laces that form a netlike pattern.
    3. A beating as punishment; a hiding.
    4. Lagging, or cross-pieces placed to prevent ore from falling into a passage.
    5. The cords by which the boards of a book are fastened to the back.
    6. The knee of the head, or lace-piece, a piece of compass or knee timber secured to the back of the figurehead.

Example Sentences

  • The pastry chef skillfully applied a delicate sugar lacing to the wedding cake.
  • His running shoes had a unique pattern of colorful lacing that caught everyone's attention.
  • The wind whispered through the trees, gently lacing the air with the scent of pine.
  • The artist spent hours intricately lacing the canvas with fine brushstrokes.
  • The storm intensified, lacing the sky with flashes of lightning and rolls of thunder.

On this page you'll find 67 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to lacing, such as: accomplishment, achievement, annihilation, attacking, augmenting, battering, batting.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • assault
  • bat
  • batter
  • beat
  • braid
  • cable
  • cut
  • dilute
  • dirty
  • do
  • flavor
  • fortify
  • hide
  • hit
  • insert
  • interweave
  • knock
  • lacing
  • lash
  • lick
  • load
  • mesh
  • mix
  • ornament
  • pelt
  • poison
  • pound
  • punch
  • rope
  • salt
  • shoelace
  • slap
  • spice
  • spike
  • strap
  • stripe
  • thin
  • thread
  • weave
  • whip
  • wire


  • batters
  • beats
  • belts
  • braids
  • cables
  • cuts
  • dilutes
  • dirties
  • flavors
  • fortify
  • hides
  • hits
  • infects
  • inserts
  • interweave
  • lacings
  • lashes
  • licks
  • loads
  • mesh
  • mix
  • mixes
  • ornament
  • pelts
  • poisons
  • pollutes
  • pounds
  • punches
  • ropes
  • salts
  • shoelace
  • slaps
  • spices
  • spike
  • strap
  • thins
  • thread
  • threads
  • twists
  • weaves
  • whips
  • wires


  • alleviating
  • mitigating
  • relaxing
  • relieving
  • sedating
  • solacing
  • stupefying


  • annihilation
  • assault
  • assaulting
  • attack
  • attacking
  • bashing
  • battering
  • battery
  • beating
  • belting
  • blow
  • breakdown
  • buffeting
  • canoeing
  • clubbing
  • collapse
  • conquest
  • debacle
  • destruction
  • doing
  • drubbing
  • embarrassment
  • failure
  • flogging
  • hammering
  • harm
  • hiding
  • hitting
  • impairment
  • injury
  • kayaking
  • killing
  • knocking
  • lacing
  • lashing
  • licking
  • loss
  • massacre
  • mauling
  • pelting
  • pounding
  • pummeling
  • pummelling
  • punching
  • rout
  • rowing
  • sailing
  • setback
  • slamming
  • slapping
  • smashing
  • spanking
  • thrashing
  • thumping
  • triumph
  • tromping
  • trouncing
  • whaling
  • whipping


  • aligning
  • alining
  • cueing
  • cuing
  • filing
  • lining
  • lining up
  • placing
  • prioritizing

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