
The word “lagging” has 2 syllables: lag-ging.

It's pronounced as /ˈlæɡɪŋ/.

What is synonym and antonym for lagging?

In the thesaurus, “lagging” has 17 synonyms and 43 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for lagging along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for lagging

Antonyms for lagging

  • barreling
  • bolting
  • breathless
  • brisk
  • careering
  • coursing
  • darting
  • dashing
  • dizzy
  • fast
  • fleet
  • flying
  • hastening
  • hasty
  • hurrying
  • hurtling
  • hustling
  • lightning
  • meteoric
  • quick
  • racing
  • rallying
  • rapid
  • ready
  • recovering
  • ripping
  • rocketing
  • running
  • rushing
  • scooting
  • scrambling
  • scudding
  • scurrying
  • snappy
  • speeding
  • speedy
  • swift
  • tearing
  • whirling
  • whirlwind
  • whisking
  • whizzing
  • zipping

Meanings of lagging

  • verb
    1. To fail to keep up (the pace), to fall behind.
    2. To cover (for example, pipes) with felt strips or similar material (referring to a time lag effect in thermal transfer).
    3. To transport as a punishment for crime.
    4. To cause to lag; to slacken.
  • noun
    1. The covering of something with strips of felt, wood etc, either as insulation or for protection.
    2. The material so used.
    3. A prison sentence.
  • adjective
    1. Falling behind, not keeping up the pace.
    2. Occurring after; indicating the later phase of.

Example Sentences

  • Despite efforts to improve, his grades were still lagging behind.
  • The company's lagging sales prompted a comprehensive marketing review.
  • In cold weather, proper insulation prevents lagging of pipes.
  • The team identified lagging productivity as a key issue to address in the upcoming meeting.
  • Lagging behind in technological advancements can put a business at a competitive disadvantage.

On this page you'll find 60 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to lagging, such as: barreling, bolting, breathless, brisk, careering, coursing, crawling.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • afraid
  • averse
  • belated
  • bumming
  • chilling
  • crawling
  • dallying
  • delayed
  • delaying
  • delinquent
  • dillydallying
  • doubt
  • doubtful
  • dragging
  • droning
  • easy
  • equivocation
  • footling
  • gradual
  • halting
  • heavy
  • hesitancy
  • idling
  • indecision
  • indecisive
  • lackadaisical
  • lagging
  • lazing
  • lazying
  • leisurely
  • lethargic
  • lethargy
  • lingering
  • loafing
  • loath
  • lolling
  • lounging
  • messing
  • misgiving
  • mistrust
  • moderate
  • mucking
  • overdue
  • passive
  • pause
  • playing
  • poking
  • procrastination
  • qualm
  • quiet
  • relaxing
  • reluctance
  • reluctant
  • resting
  • shy
  • skeptical
  • skepticism
  • slow
  • sluggish
  • sluggishness
  • stagnant
  • stagnation
  • strolling
  • tardy
  • tentative
  • timid
  • unsure
  • unwilling
  • unwillingness
  • vacillation


  • lagging
  • leisurely
  • pokey
  • slow
  • sluggish
  • snail



  • ceaseless
  • constant
  • continual
  • continuous
  • endless
  • implacable
  • incessant
  • inexorable
  • nonstop
  • patient
  • persistent
  • punishing
  • relentless
  • ruthless
  • sheer
  • steadfast
  • steady
  • sustained
  • tenacious
  • unadulterated
  • unflagging
  • unqualified
  • unrelenting
  • unremitting
  • unstoppable
  • unwavering
  • unyielding

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