
The word “laid-backness” has 3 syllables: laid-back-ness.

It's pronounced as /ˈleɪdˌbæk.nəs/.

What is synonym and antonym for laid-backness?

In the thesaurus, “laid-backness” has 11 synonyms and 9 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for laid-backness along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for laid-backness

  • assurance
  • confidence
  • easygoingness
  • impassivity
  • indifference
  • numbness
  • poise
  • self-assurance
  • self-assuredness
  • self-confidence
  • tranquillity

Antonyms for laid-backness

  • agitation
  • alarm
  • anxiety
  • apprehension
  • care
  • concern
  • perturbation
  • uneasiness
  • worry

Example Sentences

  • Laid-backness is a characteristic often appreciated in a leader, as it fosters a relaxed and productive work environment.
  • The laid-backness of the coastal town attracted tourists seeking a peaceful getaway.
  • Despite the high-stakes competition, he maintained his laid-backness, refusing to let the pressure get to him.
  • The laid-backness of the café made it a favorite spot for locals to unwind and socialize.
  • Her natural laid-backness allowed her to navigate stressful situations with ease and grace.

On this page you'll find 20 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to laid-backness, such as: agitation, alarm, anxiety, apprehension, assurance, care, concern.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • aplomb
  • assurance
  • casualness
  • composure
  • confidence
  • dexterity
  • efficiency
  • familiarity
  • flexibility
  • fluency
  • impassivity
  • indifference
  • laid-backness
  • nonchalance
  • poise
  • quickness
  • self-assurance
  • self-assuredness
  • self-confidence
  • simplicity
  • spontaneity
  • tranquillity
  • unconcern

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