
The word “lames” has 1 syllable: lames.

It's pronounced as /leɪmz/.

What is synonym and antonym for lames?

In the thesaurus, “lames” has 57 synonyms and 37 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for lames along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for lames

  • amputate
  • bash
  • beat
  • bruise
  • bruises
  • buffet
  • butcher
  • clobber
  • cripple
  • cripples
  • crush
  • damage
  • damages
  • debilitate
  • deface
  • demolish
  • destroy
  • disable
  • disfigure
  • dismember
  • distort
  • freeze
  • hack
  • halt
  • harm
  • hinder
  • hobble
  • hurt
  • immobilize
  • impair
  • incapacitate
  • incapacitates
  • injure
  • injures
  • knock out
  • lash
  • maim
  • maims
  • mangle
  • mar
  • maul
  • mutilate
  • paralyze
  • pelt
  • pummel
  • punish
  • ravage
  • ruin
  • scars
  • shatter
  • smash
  • stun
  • wallop
  • weaken
  • wound
  • wounds
  • wreck

Antonyms for lames

  • adorn
  • aid
  • allow
  • assist
  • beautify
  • build
  • compliment
  • construct
  • continue
  • create
  • cure
  • cures
  • decorate
  • doctors
  • enable
  • encourage
  • fail
  • fix
  • fixes
  • fortify
  • further
  • heal
  • heals
  • help
  • improve
  • let go
  • lose
  • mend
  • ornament
  • praise
  • promote
  • protect
  • remedies
  • repair
  • restore
  • strengthen
  • surrender

Meanings of lames

  • verb
    1. To cause (a person or animal) to become lame.
    2. To shine.
  • noun
    1. Small steel plates combined so as to slide one upon other and form a piece of armour.

Example Sentences

  • Lames always try to bring others down instead of lifting them up.
  • I refuse to engage with lames who thrive on negativity.
  • He's surrounded by lames who lack ambition and drive.
  • Ignore the lames and focus on pursuing your goals with determination.
  • Don't let the lames deter you from reaching your full potential.

On this page you'll find 94 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to lames, such as: adorn, aid, allow, amputate, assist, bash, beat.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • bashes
  • blowouts
  • clambakes
  • cocktail parties
  • cremates
  • dances
  • enflames
  • fetes
  • functions
  • get-togethers
  • heat
  • hen parties
  • house parties
  • housewarmings
  • ignites
  • incinerates
  • inflames
  • keg parties
  • keggers
  • kindles
  • klatches
  • lights
  • masquerades
  • melt
  • mixers
  • salons
  • showers
  • simmer
  • socials
  • soirees
  • stew
  • suppers
  • symposiums
  • tea parties
  • teas
  • warm

calls down

  • blames
  • criticizes
  • dresses down
  • lays into
  • lectures
  • reprimands
  • scolds


  • blames
  • condemns
  • criticizes
  • curse
  • curses
  • darn
  • darns
  • denounces
  • hoots
  • licks
  • sentences
  • whits


  • burn
  • burns
  • enflames
  • flare up
  • inflame
  • inflames
  • kindle
  • kindles
  • scorches


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