
The word “landscape” has 2 syllables: land-scape.

It's pronounced as /ˈlændˌskeɪp/.

What is synonym and antonym for landscape?

In the thesaurus, “landscape” has 9 synonyms.

Here are synonyms for landscape along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for landscape

  • geography
  • mural
  • painting
  • photograph
  • scene
  • scenery
  • terrain
  • topography
  • view

Meanings of landscape

  • noun
    1. A portion of land or territory which the eye can comprehend in a single view, including all the objects it contains.
    2. A sociological aspect of a physical area.
    3. A picture representing a real or imaginary scene by land or sea, the main subject being the general aspect of nature, as fields, hills, forests, water, etc.
    4. The pictorial aspect of a country.
    5. A mode of printing where the horizontal sides are longer than the vertical sides.
    6. A space, indoor or outdoor and natural or man-made (as in "designed landscape").
    7. A situation that is presented, a scenario.
  • verb
    1. To create or maintain a landscape.

Example Sentences

  • Landscape photography captures the beauty of natural scenery in stunning detail.
  • The artist painted a breathtaking landscape of rolling hills and distant mountains.
  • Urban planners carefully consider the impact of new developments on the local landscape.
  • The changing seasons transform the landscape with vibrant colors and textures.
  • Conservation efforts aim to preserve the unique biodiversity of the fragile desert landscape.

On this page you'll find 9 synonyms or another words to landscape, such as: geography, mural, painting, photograph, scene, scenery, terrain.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • ambit
  • amplitude
  • appreciate
  • apprehend
  • breadth
  • compass
  • comprehend
  • confine
  • dexterity
  • extent
  • fathom
  • grasp
  • gray matter
  • instinct
  • intelligence
  • know
  • landscape
  • perceive
  • profession
  • prowess
  • pursuit
  • reach
  • savvy
  • scope
  • sight
  • skill
  • sweep
  • understand
  • understanding
  • width


  • addresses
  • ambits
  • amplitudes
  • appreciates
  • apprehends
  • breadths
  • cognizes
  • compasses
  • comprehends
  • confines
  • dexterities
  • dimensions
  • fathoms
  • follows
  • gray matters
  • hands
  • instincts
  • intelligences
  • knows
  • landscapes
  • mights
  • occupations
  • perceives
  • professions
  • prowesses
  • pursuits
  • rackets
  • reaches
  • savvies
  • scopes
  • sights
  • skills
  • subfields
  • sweeps
  • turfs
  • turves
  • understandings
  • understands
  • vocations
  • widths




  • attitude
  • character
  • colors
  • constitution
  • description
  • disposition
  • environment
  • essence
  • genre
  • humor
  • kind
  • landscape
  • mood
  • personality
  • quality
  • self
  • sort
  • stripe
  • structure
  • style
  • substance
  • temper
  • temperament
  • tone
  • type
  • universe
  • variety
  • view
  • way
  • wilderness
  • world

Word List