
The word “lather” has 2 syllables: lath-er.

It's pronounced as /ˈlæðər/.

What is synonym and antonym for lather?

In the thesaurus, “lather” has 20 synonyms.

Here are synonyms for lather along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for lather

  • batter
  • beat
  • do
  • foam
  • froth
  • fuss
  • hide
  • huff
  • lash
  • lick
  • panic
  • pelt
  • pound
  • slap
  • suds
  • surf
  • sweat
  • tan
  • tizzy
  • whip

Meanings of lather

  • noun
    1. The foam made by rapidly stirring soap and water.
    2. Foam from profuse sweating, as of a horse.
    3. A state of agitation.
  • verb
    1. To cover with lather.
    2. To beat or whip.
    3. To form lather or froth, as a horse does when profusely sweating.

Example Sentences

  • She worked up a thick lather with the soap before rinsing her hands.
  • The barber applied a warm lather to his face before shaving.
  • He was in such a lather about being late that he forgot his keys.
  • After running through the rain, the horse was covered in a foamy lather.
  • Make sure to lather the shampoo well before rinsing it out.

On this page you'll find 20 synonyms or another words to lather, such as: batter, beat, do, foam, froth, fuss, hide.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • adept
  • anoint
  • artist
  • authority
  • bang
  • bedaub
  • besmear
  • bit
  • blob
  • blow
  • brush
  • chuck
  • clap
  • clutch
  • daub
  • dollop
  • expert
  • fleck
  • flick
  • glimmer
  • grip
  • guru
  • hint
  • hit
  • jab
  • knock
  • lick
  • little
  • master
  • palm
  • pat
  • plaster
  • poke
  • pound
  • punch
  • scholar
  • shred
  • slap
  • slather
  • smack
  • smear
  • smudge
  • spank
  • speck
  • splash
  • sprinkling
  • stroke
  • swab
  • swipe
  • tad
  • tag
  • tap
  • thud
  • thump
  • tip
  • touch
  • virtuoso
  • whack
  • wipe
  • wizard


  • anointed
  • bedaubed
  • blob
  • chucked
  • clapped
  • clasped
  • clenched
  • clutched
  • daub
  • daubed
  • dollop
  • fleck
  • flicked
  • palmed
  • patted
  • plastered
  • slathered
  • smear
  • smeared
  • smudge
  • speck
  • swab
  • tapped
  • tipped
  • wipe


  • anointing
  • brushing
  • chucking
  • clapping
  • clasping
  • clenching
  • clutching
  • daub
  • daubing
  • flicking
  • grasping
  • palming
  • patting
  • plastering
  • slathering
  • smear
  • smearing
  • smudge
  • swab
  • tagging
  • tapping
  • tipping
  • wipe


  • adepts
  • anoints
  • artists
  • bedaubs
  • bits
  • blob
  • blows
  • brushes
  • chucks
  • claps
  • clasps
  • clenches
  • clutches
  • daub
  • daubs
  • digs
  • dollop
  • experts
  • fleck
  • flicks
  • glimmers
  • gurus
  • hands
  • hints
  • hits
  • jabs
  • knocks
  • licks
  • little
  • masters
  • palms
  • pats
  • plasters
  • pokes
  • pounds
  • punches
  • scholars
  • slaps
  • slathers
  • smacks
  • smear
  • smears
  • smudge
  • spanks
  • speck
  • specks
  • splashes
  • sprinklings
  • strokes
  • swab
  • swipes
  • tags
  • taps
  • thuds
  • thumps
  • tips
  • touches
  • virtuosi
  • virtuosos
  • whacks
  • wipe
  • wizards


  • balderdash
  • baloney
  • beans
  • bilge
  • blah
  • blah-blah
  • blather
  • blatherskite
  • blither
  • boloney
  • bull
  • buncombe
  • bunk
  • bunkum
  • claptrap
  • craziness
  • crock
  • flapdoodle
  • garbage
  • guff
  • hogwash
  • hokum
  • hooey
  • humbuggery
  • jazz
  • malarkey
  • malarky
  • muck
  • nonsense
  • nuts
  • piffle
  • poppycock
  • rubbish
  • silliness
  • stupidity
  • tarradiddle
  • tosh
  • trumpery
  • twaddle

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