made the grade

The phrase “made the grade” has 3 syllables: made the grade.

It's pronounced as /meɪd ðə ɡreɪd/.

What is synonym and antonym for made the grade?

In the thesaurus, “made the grade” has 85 synonyms and 32 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for made the grade along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for made the grade

  • accomplish
  • administer
  • amuse
  • appease
  • arrived
  • assuage
  • assure
  • become
  • befit
  • certify
  • charm
  • cheer
  • commit
  • comply with
  • conduct
  • conform
  • confront
  • connect
  • control
  • convince
  • correspond
  • deal with
  • delight
  • discuss
  • do
  • elate
  • employ
  • enable
  • endure
  • enhance
  • entertain
  • entitle
  • exercise
  • fascinate
  • fit
  • flatter
  • flourished
  • gain
  • get
  • get by
  • go with
  • got ahead
  • got somewhere
  • got there
  • govern
  • grapple
  • gratify
  • handle
  • hit it big
  • made good
  • made it
  • manage
  • meet
  • mollify
  • notch
  • operate
  • pass
  • placate
  • play
  • please
  • provide
  • pull off
  • rack up
  • reach
  • ready
  • reassure
  • satisfy
  • score
  • serve
  • succeeded
  • suffer
  • supervise
  • survive
  • take
  • take care of
  • thrived
  • tickle
  • train
  • treat
  • use
  • utilize
  • win
  • work
  • wow
  • wrestle

Antonyms for made the grade

  • agitate
  • anger
  • annoy
  • bore
  • cannot
  • deny
  • depart
  • depress
  • differ
  • disappoint
  • dissuade
  • disturb
  • fail
  • failed
  • forfeit
  • frustrate
  • ignore
  • incite
  • leave
  • lose
  • mismatch
  • miss
  • neglect
  • offend
  • pain
  • pass
  • provoke
  • refuse
  • tire
  • trouble
  • upset
  • worry

Example Sentences

  • Despite the challenges, she persevered and made the grade in the highly competitive academic program.
  • After months of hard work, the team finally made the grade and qualified for the championship tournament.
  • His performance in the audition was outstanding, and he easily made the grade for the lead role in the play.
  • With determination and dedication, she exceeded expectations and made the grade for admission into her dream university.
  • Despite initial doubts, the new employee quickly adapted to the job requirements and made the grade as a valuable member of the team.

On this page you'll find 117 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to made the grade, such as: accomplish, administer, agitate, amuse, anger, annoy, appease.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words

made good

  • arrived
  • flourished
  • fulfilled
  • got ahead
  • got somewhere
  • got there
  • hit it big
  • kept
  • made it
  • made the grade
  • prospered
  • realized
  • satisfied
  • succeeded
  • thrived

made good on

made it

  • abound
  • accomplish
  • achieve
  • advance
  • aid
  • appear
  • arrive
  • arrived
  • assist
  • attain
  • beat
  • become
  • benefit
  • bloom
  • blossom
  • bring about
  • carry out
  • catch on
  • certify
  • come
  • come through
  • come to
  • commit
  • complete
  • conclude
  • confront
  • continue
  • contribute to
  • cut it
  • deal with
  • do
  • do well
  • dwell
  • earn
  • enable
  • enact
  • endure
  • enforce
  • enhance
  • enter
  • entitle
  • favor
  • feed
  • finish
  • flourish
  • flourished
  • further
  • gain
  • get
  • get along
  • get by
  • get through
  • go on
  • got ahead
  • got somewhere
  • got there
  • grapple
  • hacked it
  • handle
  • happen
  • help
  • hit
  • hit it big
  • implement
  • improve
  • land
  • last
  • lead
  • lie
  • live
  • made good
  • made the grade
  • maintain
  • make
  • manage
  • materialize
  • meet
  • move
  • multiply
  • obtain
  • occur
  • outdo
  • overcome
  • pass
  • pay
  • pay off
  • perform
  • prevail
  • produce
  • promote
  • prosecute
  • prosper
  • prospered
  • prove
  • pull off
  • reach
  • ready
  • realize
  • reap
  • reign
  • remain
  • report
  • reside
  • resist
  • ride out
  • score
  • scrape by
  • secure
  • serve
  • shine
  • show
  • show up
  • sign in
  • succeed
  • succeeded
  • suffer
  • surmount
  • survive
  • take care of
  • take place
  • thrive
  • thrived
  • train
  • transcend
  • triumph
  • turn up
  • visit
  • win
  • withstand
  • wrestle

Word List