
The word “maim” has 1 syllable: maim.

It's pronounced as /meɪm/.

What is synonym and antonym for maim?

In the thesaurus, “maim” has 14 synonyms and 11 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for maim along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for maim

  • cripple
  • disable
  • disfigure
  • dismember
  • hack
  • harm
  • impair
  • incapacitate
  • injure
  • kill
  • mangle
  • maul
  • mutilate
  • wound

Antonyms for maim

  • aid
  • assist
  • cure
  • fix
  • heal
  • help
  • improve
  • mend
  • patch
  • rehabilitate
  • remedy

Meanings of maim

  • noun
    1. A serious wound.
  • verb
    1. To wound seriously; to cause permanent loss of function of a limb or part of the body.

Example Sentences

  • The accident left him with injuries that could maim him for life.
  • Wild animals in captivity often develop behaviors that can maim both themselves and their handlers.
  • The sword was sharp enough to maim anyone who dared to challenge its wielder.
  • The explosion was powerful enough to maim several people in the vicinity.
  • It's important to handle firearms with care to avoid accidents that could maim or kill.

On this page you'll find 25 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to maim, such as: aid, assist, cripple, cure, disable, disfigure, dismember.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • accident
  • batter
  • blow
  • break
  • bruise
  • burn
  • casualty
  • catastrophe
  • compensation
  • compromise
  • contaminate
  • contamination
  • corruption
  • cost
  • cripple
  • destruction
  • deterioration
  • detriment
  • devastation
  • disturbance
  • fee
  • fine
  • forfeit
  • forfeiture
  • hardship
  • harm
  • hurt
  • illness
  • impair
  • impairment
  • infect
  • injure
  • injury
  • maim
  • mangle
  • mar
  • penalty
  • pollute
  • pollution
  • price
  • ravage
  • reparation
  • reparations
  • ruin
  • scorch
  • smash
  • spoil
  • suffering
  • tarnish
  • tear
  • undermine
  • weaken
  • wound
  • wreck


  • accident
  • batter
  • blow
  • break
  • bruise
  • bruises
  • burn
  • casualty
  • catastrophe
  • compensation
  • compromises
  • contaminate
  • contamination
  • corruption
  • cripples
  • destruction
  • deterioration
  • devastation
  • disturbance
  • fine
  • forfeiture
  • hardship
  • harm
  • harms
  • hurt
  • hurts
  • illness
  • impair
  • impairment
  • impairs
  • infect
  • injure
  • injures
  • maim
  • mangle
  • mar
  • mars
  • penalty
  • pollute
  • pollution
  • ravage
  • reparation
  • ruin
  • scorch
  • smash
  • spoils
  • suffering
  • tarnish
  • tear
  • undermine
  • weaken
  • weakens
  • wound
  • wounds
  • wreck


  • accept
  • accepting
  • addressing
  • amputate
  • anger
  • bark
  • bother
  • break
  • bruise
  • burst
  • butcher
  • carve
  • chisel
  • choke
  • chop
  • cleave
  • confront
  • contort
  • crack
  • crumble
  • cube
  • curtail
  • cut
  • cut back
  • cut down
  • damage
  • deface
  • disable
  • disband
  • disfigure
  • dismember
  • distort
  • disturb
  • divide
  • drop
  • endure
  • enduring
  • engrave
  • etch
  • exasperate
  • fashion
  • flatten
  • gall
  • get by
  • go
  • grapple
  • grind
  • hack
  • handle
  • handling
  • harm
  • hew
  • hold
  • impair
  • incapacitate
  • incense
  • inflame
  • infuriate
  • injure
  • irk
  • irritate
  • isolate
  • lacerate
  • lower
  • maim
  • managing
  • mangle
  • manipulating
  • maul
  • mince
  • mold
  • mutilate
  • negotiating
  • nick
  • open
  • pare
  • provoke
  • ravage
  • raze
  • receive
  • rile
  • rip
  • rive
  • score
  • sculpt
  • separate
  • sever
  • shape
  • shave
  • shoot
  • shoot down
  • shorten
  • shred
  • slash
  • slice
  • slit
  • splinter
  • split
  • stand
  • standing
  • strip
  • suffer
  • sunder
  • survive
  • sustaining
  • taking
  • tear
  • tolerating
  • treating
  • tumble
  • vex
  • vomit
  • welcome
  • whack
  • whoop
  • wound
  • wreck
  • wrestle


  • broken
  • broken-down
  • counterproductive
  • crippled
  • debilitated
  • disabled
  • down
  • helpless
  • impaired
  • in disrepair
  • incapacitated
  • incompetent
  • ineffective
  • inefficient
  • inoperative
  • limited
  • maimed
  • out of order
  • out of service
  • paralytic
  • paralyzed
  • restricted
  • undermined
  • unsuccessful
  • weak
  • weakened


  • amputate
  • bash
  • beat
  • bruise
  • buffet
  • butcher
  • challenged
  • clobber
  • cripple
  • crippled
  • crush
  • damage
  • debilitate
  • deface
  • demolish
  • destroy
  • disable
  • disabled
  • disfigure
  • dismember
  • distort
  • freeze
  • hack
  • halt
  • harm
  • hinder
  • hobble
  • hobbled
  • hurt
  • immobilize
  • impair
  • incapacitate
  • incapacitated
  • injure
  • injured
  • knock out
  • lame
  • lash
  • maim
  • maimed
  • mangle
  • mar
  • maul
  • mutilate
  • mutilated
  • paralyze
  • pelt
  • pummel
  • punish
  • ravage
  • ruin
  • scarred
  • shatter
  • smash
  • stun
  • wallop
  • weaken
  • wound
  • wounded
  • wreck

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