
The word “maintaining” has 3 syllables: main-tain-ing.

It's pronounced as /meɪnˈteɪnɪŋ/.

What is synonym and antonym for maintaining?

In the thesaurus, “maintaining” has 41 synonyms and 17 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for maintaining along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for maintaining

  • allegation
  • alleging
  • arguing
  • asserting
  • assertion
  • belief
  • chronic
  • claim
  • claiming
  • conserving
  • contending
  • continuance
  • continuity
  • convincing
  • declaring
  • defending
  • discussion
  • durable
  • enduring
  • explanation
  • extension
  • hypothesis
  • idea
  • insisting
  • justifying
  • keeping
  • lasting
  • long-lasting
  • opinion
  • performing
  • perpetuation
  • plea
  • pleading
  • position
  • preservation
  • preserving
  • reasoning
  • running
  • supporting
  • thesis
  • upholding

Antonyms for maintaining

  • abandoning
  • denying
  • destroying
  • disregarding
  • forsaking
  • ignoring
  • neglecting
  • proof
  • reality
  • retracting
  • reversing
  • stoppage
  • switching
  • taking back
  • temporary
  • truth
  • withdrawing

Meanings of maintaining

  • verb
    1. To support (someone), to back up or assist (someone) in an action.
    2. To keep up; to preserve; to uphold (a state, condition etc.).
    3. To declare or affirm (a clause) to be true; to assert.
  • noun
    1. The act of doing maintenance.

Example Sentences

  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle involves regular exercise and a balanced diet.
  • The company is committed to maintaining high standards of customer service.
  • She is dedicated to maintaining her garden, ensuring that it remains vibrant and well-kept.
  • Maintaining focus and concentration is essential during exams.
  • The key to success in any field is consistency in maintaining effort and dedication.

On this page you'll find 58 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to maintaining, such as: abandoning, allegation, alleging, arguing, asserting, assertion, belief.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • adherence
  • care
  • celebrating
  • commemorating
  • completing
  • compliance
  • condition
  • conducting
  • conformity
  • containing
  • controlling
  • curbing
  • custody
  • defending
  • enjoyment
  • fulfilling
  • governing
  • guarding
  • handling
  • hands
  • health
  • holding
  • maintaining
  • managing
  • measuring
  • observation
  • operating
  • overseeing
  • preserving
  • protecting
  • regulating
  • restraining
  • retaining
  • running
  • safeguarding
  • satisfying
  • saving
  • shape
  • storing
  • supervising
  • supporting

keeping up

  • conserving
  • continuing
  • hold on
  • holding on
  • holding out
  • holding up
  • lasting
  • maintaining
  • preserving
  • prevailing
  • remaining
  • saving
  • surviving

taking care of

  • accomplish
  • achieve
  • administer
  • aid
  • alter
  • atone
  • attain
  • attend
  • attending
  • back
  • beat
  • beat up
  • benefit
  • blank
  • bludgeon
  • boost
  • bring
  • bring about
  • buy off
  • carry out
  • clobber
  • commit
  • compensate
  • complete
  • conclude
  • conduct
  • conquer
  • conserve
  • construct
  • continue
  • contribute
  • control
  • convert
  • cooperate
  • coordinate
  • corrupt
  • cradle
  • create
  • crush
  • cultivate
  • deal with
  • defeat
  • direct
  • disburse
  • dispose of
  • do
  • doing for
  • dominate
  • drub
  • enact
  • encourage
  • enforce
  • entertain
  • entice
  • equip
  • establish
  • expedite
  • extend
  • facilitate
  • feed
  • finance
  • finish
  • fit
  • focus on
  • form
  • formulate
  • furnish
  • give
  • govern
  • grant
  • guard
  • guide
  • handle
  • harbor
  • hasten
  • head
  • healing
  • help
  • hide
  • hoard
  • honor
  • implement
  • inspect
  • keep
  • keep an eye on
  • keeping
  • knock out
  • lacerate
  • lead
  • lodge
  • look after
  • looking after
  • looking out for
  • looking to
  • maintain
  • maintaining
  • manage
  • managing
  • meet
  • molest
  • mug
  • nourish
  • nursing
  • offer
  • operate
  • outclass
  • outdo
  • outshine
  • overcome
  • oversee
  • overseeing
  • overwhelm
  • own
  • pamper
  • pay
  • pay off
  • perform
  • polish off
  • prepare
  • present
  • preserve
  • produce
  • promote
  • prosecute
  • protect
  • provide
  • provision
  • pull off
  • pummel
  • reach
  • realize
  • recoup
  • refine
  • refund
  • regulate
  • reimburse
  • reinforce
  • renew
  • repay
  • retain
  • reward
  • rough up
  • rout
  • run
  • safeguard
  • satiate
  • satisfy
  • score
  • seduce
  • seeing to
  • serve
  • set up
  • settle
  • shield
  • smash
  • speed
  • spoil
  • subdue
  • supervise
  • supervising
  • supply
  • support
  • supporting
  • surpass
  • surround
  • sustain
  • take in
  • take over
  • tempt
  • terminate
  • thrash
  • tickle
  • train
  • trample
  • transform
  • treat
  • treating
  • trounce
  • try
  • uphold
  • use
  • vaccinate
  • vanquish
  • wait
  • waiting on
  • waiting upon
  • watch
  • watching
  • win

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