make believe

The phrase “make believe” has 3 syllables: make be-lieve.

It's pronounced as /meɪk bɪˈliːv/.

What is synonym and antonym for make believe?

In the thesaurus, “make believe” has 22 synonyms and 5 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for make believe along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for make believe

  • affectation
  • assume
  • demonstration
  • display
  • fantasied
  • fantastical
  • fiction
  • fictional
  • fictitious
  • imaginary
  • imitation
  • likeness
  • mythic
  • mythical
  • pose
  • pretence
  • pretend
  • pretense
  • put on
  • representation
  • simulate
  • simulation

Antonyms for make believe

  • actual
  • existing
  • genuine
  • real
  • true

Example Sentences

  • Children love to use their imagination and make believe they are superheroes or princesses.
  • During recess, the kids played a game of make believe where they pretended to explore a magical kingdom.
  • The actor's performance was so convincing that it transported the audience into a world of make believe.
  • In times of hardship, sometimes it's comforting to escape into a world of make believe through books or movies.
  • As adults, we may indulge in a bit of make believe to temporarily forget about our worries and responsibilities.

On this page you'll find 27 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to make believe, such as: actual, affectation, assume, demonstration, display, existing, fantasied.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • abnormal
  • abstract
  • allegorical
  • apocryphal
  • assembled
  • assumed
  • baseless
  • bizarre
  • bogus
  • built
  • chimeric
  • chimerical
  • completed
  • concocted
  • constructed
  • contrived
  • counterfeit
  • created
  • deceptive
  • designed
  • devised
  • distorted
  • excessive
  • extravagant
  • fabled
  • fabulous
  • false
  • fanciful
  • fantastical
  • farfetched
  • fictional
  • fictitious
  • forged
  • fraudulent
  • gratuitous
  • groundless
  • hollow
  • hyperbolic
  • illogical
  • imaginary
  • imagined
  • incredible
  • inflated
  • invented
  • legendary
  • lied
  • made
  • made-up
  • magnified
  • make believe
  • manufactured
  • mass-produced
  • melodramatic
  • misleading
  • mock
  • mythic
  • mythical
  • odd
  • outlandish
  • outrageous
  • overblown
  • overwrought
  • perverse
  • phony
  • preposterous
  • pretentious
  • produced
  • sham
  • shaped
  • simulated
  • spurious
  • stilted
  • storied
  • strange
  • stylized
  • unjustified
  • unproven
  • unreal
  • unrealistic
  • unsubstantiated
  • untrue
  • untruthful
  • unusual
  • unwarranted
  • whimsical
  • wrong


  • alleged
  • apocryphal
  • assumed
  • bogus
  • claimed
  • concocted
  • copied
  • counterfeit
  • counterfeited
  • created
  • devised
  • dodged
  • evaded
  • fabricated
  • fake
  • faked out
  • false
  • fanciful
  • feigned
  • fictional
  • fictitious
  • forged
  • fraudulent
  • imaginary
  • imagined
  • improvised
  • made-up
  • make believe
  • manufactured
  • misleading
  • mythical
  • offhand
  • phoney
  • phony
  • pretended
  • pseudo
  • purported
  • sham
  • simulated
  • specious
  • spontaneous
  • spurious
  • unreal
  • unscripted

make a pretense

make a show

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