
The word “narrow” has 2 syllables: nar-row.

It's pronounced as /ˈnær.oʊ/.

What is synonym and antonym for narrow?

In the thesaurus, “narrow” has 54 synonyms and 49 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for narrow along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for narrow

  • anchorage
  • arm
  • bay
  • bight
  • bigoted
  • block
  • close
  • confine
  • conservative
  • constrict
  • cove
  • cramped
  • creek
  • crowded
  • defined
  • definite
  • diminish
  • embayment
  • estuary
  • finite
  • fiord
  • fjord
  • hamper
  • harbor
  • hinder
  • impede
  • inlet
  • intolerant
  • lagoon
  • lessen
  • limit
  • limited
  • little
  • loch
  • narrow-minded
  • obstruct
  • parochial
  • petty
  • port
  • precarious
  • precise
  • prejudiced
  • provincial
  • restrict
  • restricted
  • roads
  • roadstead
  • skinny
  • slender
  • slim
  • small
  • thin
  • tight
  • tighten

Antonyms for narrow

  • bottomless
  • boundless
  • broad
  • broaden
  • catholic
  • cosmopolitan
  • countless
  • dimensionless
  • endless
  • exceed
  • expand
  • extreme
  • fat
  • free
  • general
  • giving
  • illimitable
  • immeasurable
  • imprecise
  • incalculable
  • indefinite
  • inexact
  • inexhaustible
  • infinite
  • innumerable
  • large
  • let go
  • liberal
  • limitless
  • loose
  • measureless
  • nebulous
  • objective
  • open
  • progressive
  • radical
  • receptive
  • release
  • strong
  • tolerant
  • unbounded
  • undefined
  • unfathomable
  • unlimited
  • unmeasured
  • unqualified
  • vague
  • wide
  • widen

Meanings of narrow

  • noun
    1. (chiefly in the plural) A narrow passage, especially a contracted part of a stream, lake, or sea; a strait connecting two bodies of water.
  • adjective
    1. Having a small width; not wide; having opposite edges or sides that are close, especially by comparison to length or depth.
    2. Of little extent; very limited; circumscribed.
    3. Restrictive; without flexibility or latitude.
    4. Contracted; of limited scope; bigoted.
    5. Having a small margin or degree.
    6. Limited as to means; straitened.
    7. Parsimonious; niggardly; covetous; selfish.
    8. Scrutinizing in detail; close; accurate; exact.
    9. Formed (as a vowel) by a close position of some part of the tongue in relation to the palate; or (according to Bell) by a tense condition of the pharynx; distinguished from wide.
  • verb
    1. To reduce in width or extent; to contract.
    2. To get narrower.
    3. (of a person or eyes) To partially lower one's eyelids in a way usually taken to suggest a defensive, aggressive or penetrating look.
    4. To contract the size of, as a stocking, by taking two stitches into one.
    5. To convert to a data type that cannot hold as many distinct values.

Example Sentences

  • The path through the forest became narrow as they ventured deeper into the woods.
  • She had to squeeze her car through the narrow alley to reach the parking lot.
  • The narrow victory margin in the election indicated a closely contested race.
  • As the river flowed, it carved a narrow gorge through the rugged landscape.
  • The narrow focus of his research allowed him to delve deep into a specific aspect of the topic.

On this page you'll find 103 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to narrow, such as: anchorage, arm, bay, bight, bigoted, block, bottomless.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words

fallen short

  • abate
  • abort
  • atrophy
  • backfire
  • break down
  • collapsed
  • come a cropper
  • come apart
  • come to grief
  • come up empty
  • decline
  • decrease
  • die down
  • die out
  • dim
  • diminish
  • drop
  • drop off
  • dwindle
  • ebb
  • fade
  • fail
  • failed
  • fall
  • fall flat
  • fall off
  • fall through
  • fallen flat
  • fizzle
  • flamed out
  • flop
  • flopped
  • fold
  • forget
  • give up
  • laid an egg
  • lessen
  • miscarried
  • misfire
  • missed
  • narrow
  • peter out
  • reduce
  • shorten
  • shrink
  • shrivel
  • slacken
  • squander
  • stalled
  • stricken out
  • struck out
  • struggled
  • subside
  • suffer
  • surrender
  • taper off
  • wane
  • washed out
  • waste
  • weaken
  • wither

falls away

  • abate
  • cave in
  • consume
  • decline
  • declines
  • decrease
  • decreases
  • defer
  • degenerate
  • deteriorate
  • die down
  • die out
  • diminish
  • diminishes
  • dip
  • drop off
  • dwindle
  • ease off
  • ebb
  • fall back
  • fall off
  • falls
  • languish
  • lessen
  • melt
  • narrow
  • peter out
  • recede
  • reduce
  • revert
  • sag
  • shrink
  • sink
  • slacken
  • slide
  • slip
  • slump
  • subsides
  • tapers off
  • wane
  • weaken
  • wilt


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hairbreadth escapes

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