
The word “nation” has 2 syllables: na-tion.

It's pronounced as /ˈneɪʃən/.

What is synonym and antonym for nation?

In the thesaurus, “nation” has 16 synonyms.

Here are synonyms for nation along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for nation

  • commonwealth
  • community
  • country
  • democracy
  • ethnicity
  • family
  • minority
  • nationality
  • people
  • population
  • public
  • race
  • society
  • state
  • tribe
  • union

Meanings of nation

  • noun
    1. A historically constituted, stable community of people, formed on the basis of a common language, territory, economic life, ethnicity and/or psychological make-up manifested in a common culture.
    2. A sovereign state.
    3. An association of students based on its members' birthplace or ethnicity.
    4. A great number; a great deal.
    5. Damnation.
  • adverb
    1. Extremely, very.

Example Sentences

  • Nation building requires strong leadership and a unified vision for the future.
  • The nation celebrated its independence with parades and fireworks.
  • The president addressed the nation in a televised speech to outline the government's plans.
  • Environmental policies affect not just one nation, but the entire planet.
  • The nation mourned the loss of a beloved leader, reflecting on their contributions to society.

On this page you'll find 16 synonyms or another words to nation, such as: commonwealth, community, country, democracy, ethnicity, family, minority.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • abandonment
  • abolition
  • aborting
  • annulment
  • canceling
  • cancelling
  • discontinuing
  • dissolution
  • dropping
  • elimination
  • forsaking
  • indulging
  • leaving
  • quitting
  • repeal
  • repealing
  • retirement
  • reversal
  • revocation
  • revoking
  • scrapping
  • surrendering


  • account
  • affidavit
  • allegation
  • alphabet
  • amount
  • announcement
  • article
  • assurance
  • authority
  • base
  • basis
  • bedrock
  • bottom line
  • catalog
  • characterization
  • charge
  • clue
  • comment
  • component
  • condition
  • confession
  • cornerstone
  • definition
  • depiction
  • description
  • design
  • detail
  • directory
  • effect
  • element
  • elemental
  • elements
  • essence
  • explanation
  • fact
  • factor
  • foundation
  • fundamental
  • grammar
  • groundwork
  • guidebook
  • handbook
  • history
  • information
  • infrastructure
  • justification
  • key
  • law
  • manual
  • meat
  • must
  • narration
  • narrative
  • part
  • philosophy
  • picture
  • plan
  • portrayal
  • precondition
  • preparation
  • prerequisite
  • presentation
  • principle
  • principles
  • proclamation
  • rationale
  • remark
  • report
  • requirement
  • requisite
  • rudimentary
  • schedule
  • sign
  • significance
  • sketch
  • statement
  • story
  • straightforward
  • strength
  • structure
  • stuff
  • subject
  • summary
  • support
  • syntax
  • tale
  • testimony
  • thing
  • underlying
  • version
  • word




  • abomination
  • adversary
  • anathema
  • antipathy
  • aversion
  • bête noire
  • detestation
  • enemy
  • execration
  • hate
  • hatred
  • phobia

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