
The word “neatly” has 2 syllables: neat-ly.

It's pronounced as /ˈniːtli/.

What is synonym and antonym for neatly?

In the thesaurus, “neatly” has 16 synonyms and 2 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for neatly along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for neatly

  • accurately
  • adroitly
  • aptly
  • cleanly
  • efficiently
  • elegantly
  • expertly
  • methodically
  • nicely
  • orderly
  • precisely
  • sharply
  • skillfully
  • smartly
  • tidily
  • trimly

Antonyms for neatly

  • inelegantly
  • sloppily

Meanings of neatly

  • adverb
    1. In a neat manner.

Example Sentences

  • She folded the clothes neatly and placed them in the drawer.
  • The books were arranged neatly on the shelf by size and category.
  • He tied his shoelaces neatly to ensure they wouldn't come undone.
  • The documents were stacked neatly on the desk, ready for review.
  • The ribbon was tied neatly around the gift box, adding a finishing touch.

On this page you'll find 18 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to neatly, such as: accurately, adroitly, aptly, cleanly, efficiently, elegantly, expertly.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • adroitly
  • artfully
  • capably
  • competently
  • deftly
  • expertly
  • masterfully
  • neatly
  • proficiently
  • skillfully
  • well



  • adequately
  • basically
  • completely
  • definitely
  • dramatically
  • effectively
  • efficiently
  • energetically
  • essentially
  • finally
  • forcefully
  • nearly
  • neatly
  • practically
  • productively
  • successfully
  • usefully


  • ably
  • adroitly
  • aptly
  • artfully
  • calmly
  • carefully
  • cheerfully
  • cleverly
  • comfortably
  • conveniently
  • coolly
  • deftly
  • deliberately
  • eagerly
  • easily
  • easy
  • efficiently
  • effortlessly
  • expertly
  • freely
  • gladly
  • handily
  • immediately
  • ingeniously
  • intelligently
  • judiciously
  • keenly
  • knowingly
  • liberally
  • neatly
  • nimbly
  • promptly
  • quickly
  • readily
  • regularly
  • simply
  • skillfully
  • slyly
  • smartly
  • smoothly
  • surely
  • well
  • willingly


  • airily
  • brightly
  • brilliantly
  • buoyantly
  • cheerfully
  • colorfully
  • flamboyantly
  • gleefully
  • happily
  • joyfully
  • lively
  • merrily
  • neatly
  • playfully
  • spiritedly
  • splendidly

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